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"Come on then now is your chance" Jax spat "what you got to say for yourself"

"Everything I have done I have done it for the good of the club" Clay said "we have worked so hard on what we have and I wasn't letting some chick come in and ruin that"

He knew his words were rialing Jax and Opie up.

"Harleigh is so determined to get you guys to go legit when look at how much money we have brought in running guns and drugs" Clay continued. "She's twisting everyone of you and it didn't help her old man was in her ear spouting about when the club was created. So I did what I had to do to protect this club"

Jax was ready to pounce until Chibs placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I will be in the garage" Clay huffed before leaving the room.

"We heard his story. Vote has to be unanimous. Does anyone else have anything they'd like to say?" Jax said, no one said anything "All in favor of Clay losing his patch?"

Everyone agreed on Clay losing his patch.

"As far as the mayhem goes... let's hear pros and cons" Jax said leaning back in his chair.

"He's a traitor. I ain't buying this humble, "for the good of the club" bullshit. He's done." Chibs said "everything he said about Harleigh is bullshit"

"All in favor of Clay Morrow meeting Mr. Mayhem."

Everyone agreed on clay meeting Mr Mayhem all expect Bobby. This pissed Jax off, hell it knew it would piss you off. Slamming the gavel down Jax pushed his chair away leaving everyone in the room, he needed to find you.

"What's the result" you whispered as Jax wrapped his arms around you.

"He is losing his patch" he whispered.

"And Mr Mayhem?" You asked.

"Wasn't unanimous baby" he sighed.

"You gotta be kidding me" you sighed wiggling out of Jax's arms and storming outside.

As soon as you saw Clay you lost it, pouncing on him, throwing punch after punch until you split your knuckles open.

"Come on calm down darlin'" Jax said pulling you off Clay and keeping his arms tight around your waist "it's done"

"Fucking prick" you spat as Jax dragged you away.

"Baby I think it's best if you and Abel go home" Jax whispered stroking your cheek. "He's just gonna wind you up, and I need one of us to be sane with all this shit with the Irish"

"Fine" you huffed burrying your head into his chest.

A couple of hours had passed and Jax just walked in the door, their was music playing softly from upstairs, following the sound his heart melted at the sight of you leaning against the bed fast asleep with Abel asleep in your arms, photos scattered around you. Crouching down he picked up one of the photos and grinned at the memory, you was over Jax's shoulder with a cheesy grin on your face with everyone surrounding you.

Placing a soft kiss on your head, your eyes fluttered open.

"Hey sleepy" Jax smiled sitting next to you "taking a trip down memory lane?"

"Kinda" you yawned "thought I'd put something together for the clubhouse"

"That's an amazing idea baby" Jax smiled picking up a photo "I love this one"

Rolling your eyes at the picture he chose. "Course you would you are pinning me up against the wall"

You spent the rest of the afternoon going through photos and making copies of them for behind the bar. Before heading back to TM for the Friday night party.

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