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It had been a week since you had been discharged from the hospital, and as much as you wanted to dive back into work you listened to Jax and took some time off to recover from the C Section.

"How you doing today shorty" Tig laughed placing his arm around your shoulder

"Meh, still a bit sore but I'm getting there" You shrugged "How has Amber been?"

"Good as gold" He smiled.

The guys had stepped up since you was in hospital each taking turns to watch Amber for you and Jax, Amber loved it as she never got much time to spend with her uncles.

"Hows Abel doing?" He asked

"He is getting stronger by the day" You grinned sparking up a smoke.

Tig soon realised you wasn't in the mood to talk so he didn't push you any further. All you wanted was to speak to Jax, you had found something out that had your blood boiling, something that confirmed your suspicions.

Soon enough Jax walked in and headed straight to you, wrapping his arms around you.

"I need to show you something" You whispered taking his hand and lead him into the chapel. "I found something"

Pointing to the top of the safe, he went over and you knew he saw what you was on about as his fist balled at the side of him.

"Is this what I think it is?" He growled.

"Yeah, a prescription for Naproxen, but look at the name on the script" You sighed resting your cheek against the cool leather of his kutte.

"Shit this is Clay's script" He mumbled. "Why does he have a script for this?"

"Probably for his hands" You mumbled "I take them when my knees play up, they are strong as fuck and you are meant to take a stomach liner with them due to the strength, which if he was crushing them into my drinks I doubt he would have gave me the liners which is why Abel came so soon."

"Im gonna kill him" Jax seethed. "If he did this what else could he be capable of"

"Jax we need to be smart about this, the last thing we need is for him to find out we know and him trying to do something worse than spike my drink" you whispered as he spun round pulling you into his chest.

You both knew what Clay was capable of, he had always hated you.

"I will try and act normal but he is up to something, today he dropped it on me that we are gonna be muling coke for the cartel" Jax sighed "I don't want to be a part of this anymore Leigh, this isn't what JT wanted for this club, I want out, I want you and the kids out of this life"

"Its gonna hurt so many people if we get out though baby" You mumbled knowing it would crush your dad and Opie. "It's not gonna be easy for you to get out, you know how it is, you either get kicked out and potentially killed or get killed on a run"

"I know babygirl, I just need to get my family as far away from this shit as possible" He whispered kissing the top of your head.

"Come on lets go see our boy" You smiled looking up at Jax.


No one knew the reason you had to have an emergency c section, you kept it under wraps so Clay didn't suspect a thing. He was still being super nice to you.

"Want another drink Harleigh" He smiled.

"Nah I'm good thanks, not long had one" You nodded, if he could spike your drink with a painkiller what else could he get his hands on. That thought scared you.

The tension between Jax and Clay over the last couple of weeks started to make sense now Jax had told you about the deal with the Cartel. This wasn't what the club was about, you knew from what your dad had told you JT wanted to get the club away from running guns and become more legit, there was something on the table about stopping the deal with the Irish but that never went through because of the accident. The day that would live with you all forever, you still remember seeing Jax so broken after her heard the news. It still amazes you how JT survived another 2 days after being dragged 178 yards by a semi, but then again he was a Teller and they are bloody hard to kill.

"Penny for your thoughts darlin'" Jax said bringing you out of your thoughts.

"Just thinking about JT" you laughed "How he would be proud of you"

"I doubt he would be proud at the shit I've done" Jax sighed. "Come on I need to show you something"

Leading you up onto the roof he pulled out a black folder.

"I found this in a box of stuff in storage" Jax said passing you the folder.

Flipping it open you saw there was some kind of book. Running your hand over the paper you read the words.

The life and death of Sam Crow. How the Sons of Anarchy lost their way. By John Thomas Teller. For my sons : Thomas, who's already at peace, and Jackson... may he never know this life of chaos.

"What is this Jax?" You asked looking up at him.

"Dads manuscript" he whispered "he had all these ideas for the club"

"Who knows about this" you asked looking up.

"Just us"

"Let's do it, let's get the sons legit" you smiled "I'm behind you every step of the way"

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