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You was now 7 and a half months pregnant and to say Jax was protective was a massive understatement, everywhere you went if Opie, Gemma or himself wasn't with you, you had a prospect. As annoying as it was you understood where Jax was coming from.

"God I could murder a smoke right now" you groaned resting your head on the bar. "Ope let me have a tiny drag please"

"Nope, not happening" he laughed "if Jax knew I let you have a drag I'd be dead"

"Urgh I hate you" you groaned glaring at him.

"Love you to sis" he chuckled.

"I'm sick of being pregnant now, I just want the next month and a bit to fly by. I want to meet my son, I miss smoking and I miss riding" you said standing up and instantly grabbed onto Opie as your head was spinning.

"You okay" he asked.

"Yeah just stood up a bit too fast I think" you laughed leaning against him as a sharp paint shot across your stomach making you wince.

"You sure?" Opie asked voice laced with concern.

"Yeah I'm fin-"

Before you could finish your sentence your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you body gave way.

Opie was glad you was still holding onto him as he managed to catch you in time before you hit the ground.

"Fuck, Leigh" he said tapping the side of your face "don't do this to me"

"Opie what's going on?" Chibs asked as he walked in seeing you unconscious on the floor. "Shit what happened?"

"I don't know, she stood up saying she felt light headed and then collapsed on me" Opie panicked.

"We need to get her to the hospital now" Tig gasped "she's bleeding"

"Fuck fuck fuck" Opie panicked as he picked you up carrying you to his truck "someone fucking call Jax"

Jax was currently working on the nursery as a surprise for you when he got the phone call.

"Get to the hospital now" Chibs pretty much shouted at him. "It's Leigh"

"Shit what's happened?" Jax panicked dropping the paint brush and grabbing his keys.

"We don't know, she collapsed in Ope's arms and she's bleeding. We are heading to St Thomas now" Chibs breathed.

"I'm on my way" Jax panted as he climbed on his bike.

The ride to the hospital felt like it took forever when in reality it took 10 minutes. Abandoning his bike Jax ran through the hospital in search of his brothers.

"Where is she?" He panted leaning against the wall as his eyes saw the blood stains on Opie's jeans.

"In surgery, they needed to do an emergency c section." Opie whispered.

"But he's 10 weeks early" Jax mumbled leaning on the wall.

After what seems like hours a doctor headed towards the guys. However it was the one person Jax hadn't seen in years, he didn't even know she was back in charming.

"Any update on Harleigh and little man" Chibs asked as Jax looked up to find Tara stood there.

"Come on, let's sit down and I'll walk you through it" she nodded at Jax.

"Just tell me" he sighed

"He's got a congenital heart defect and gastroschisis, a tear in his abdomen We aren't sure what's caused the tear. But the CHD is probably..." she trailed off

"The family flaw" Gemma sighed rubbing Jax's back

"Yes, it's genetic. Either one would be serious, but not life-threatening. However, the two of them together... Dr Namid gives him a 20 percent chance, and I'm afraid that's being optimistic." Tara said as she watched Jax. "I asked Dr Namid if I could assist. I wanna help your son"

"His name's Abel" was all Jax managed to say. He had no idea what to do, the family flaw killed his brother and now it could take his son away from him.

Jax couldn't take it, he couldn't bare to see you right now so he stormed out of the hospital got on his bike and rode.

Hours had passed and Gemma walked back into the clubhouse to find Jax nursing a bottle of JD.

"Why aren't you at the hospital?" She asked taking the bottle off him.

"He isn't gonna make it, whats the point" Jax sighed lighting a smoke "Leigh isn't awake yet either"

"What are you talking about? What happened"

"He was born with half a stomach and a hole in his heart. He's gonna die" Jax spat

"Dont you say that. You don't believe he's gonna live, you might as well go and kill him yourself. I'm sorry. You gotta go see him, Jax" Gemma raises her voice at her son

"I can't" Jax sobbed

"Why? Because he'll break your heart? It's called being a father"

"For how long? A day? A week?" Jax mumbled.

"You know, you were born with that same heart defect... your little brother had. You seem pretty sturdy to me. I came through hell. Landed on my feet. Your father was hit by a goddamn semi, dragged 178 yards, and that bastard lived for two more days. Tellers do not die easy" Gemma said placing her hand on Jax shoulder.

"No, we just die bloody" Jax scoffed as he phone buzzed.

New message: Chibs
Get your ass back here Jackie boy, Leigh is awake and asking for you

"I gotta go, Leigh is awake" Jax said letting a sigh of relief grabbing his keys.

"You aren't riding now after drinking so much" Gemma said pulling the keys out of his hand "I will drive, come on"

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