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"Welcome home baby boy" you whispered as you picked Abel up out of his car seat.

Both you and Jax wanted the first place you stopped to be the club house.

"You know as soon as Tig is back he is so gonna steal him from us" Jax laughed as he closed the door for you.

"Yeah I know" you laughed as you bounced Abel in your arms "I can't believe he is home"

Walking into the clubhouse everyone was grinning at you, the club needed some good news and with Abel being home it had put everyone in the good mood.

Sitting in the bar stool you got Abel out of his car seat, bouncing him in your arms as Jax sat beside you with so much love in his eyes.

"Can Uncle Tiggy get cuddles" he whined appearing beside you.

"Jheeze Trager you have literally only just stepped foot in here and you are tryna steal him away from me" you laughed as he gave you puppy dog eyes "but yes you can have cuddles"

It was weird to see this crazy biker turned to mush over a baby. As soon as he had Abel in his arms he started wandering round the place 'showing' Abel around.

"So he finally got the balls to do it then" Opie laughed as he rested his arms on your shoulders.

Leaning your back against his chest looking up grinning.

"Yeah he did" you beamed "thank you for giving him the big brother blessing"

"What you two have is special and I'm not gonna be the one to stand in the way of that" he grinned kissing your forehead.

"So this leads me onto a very important question?" You grinned still looking up at him "will you be the one to give me away, we've not planned anything yet but I want you to give me away"

"Like I'd let anyone else give my baby sister away to my best friend" Opie smirked "I would be honoured to"

Through the door of the clubhouse you saw that Tara had pulled up and made a b line straight for Jax.

"You gonna do anything?" Opie asked moving his arms as you lit a smoke.

"Nah I just wanna see how he reacts" you said with a mischievous smirked.

Leaning against the door frame as you watched Tara place her hand on Jax's arm giggling at whatever he said, instantly he shrugged her off him and had a face of thunder.

She kept trying though, getting close to him, putting her hand on his arm and every time he shrugged her off not giving her the time of day. You could see how pissed off he was so you pushed yourself off the door frame and walked over.

Sliding one arm around his waist and bringing your other hand up grabbing the collar of his kutte, also showing off your ring.

"Hey darlin'" Jax smiled lovingly before kissing you softly.

"I think abel is about ready for a nap, your mom managed to prize him out of tigs arms" you laughed "and I want to spend the night with my old man"

Turning your head to look at Tara you smirked.

"Can I help you?" You asked.

"Urm no I was just leaving" she stuttered before walking away.

"Yeah that's what I thought" you laughed leaning into Jax looking at the sun bounce off your ring.

"Getting jealous baby" Jax laughed kissing your head.

"Territorial baby, there's a difference" you giggled.

"Wait hang on a god damn second" Chibs shouted raising his eyebrow "you called him your old man and girl there's a freaking rock on your finger does this mean"

"Yes Chibs, we are engaged and I am officially his old lady" you grinned "not how we was gonna tell the club but hey"

At this point everyone had gathered round to see what was going on.

"We need to through a party" Opie grinned.

"Dude not tonight, tonight I just want to go home and spend the time with my baby boy and my old man" you said sternly making him roll his eyes at you.

"Tomorrow night?" Opie grinned holding his pinkie out.

"Such a child" you laughed linking yourself pinkie with his "but yes tomorrow night, but you need to arrange a sitter for me"

"I will take him" Gemma grinned "I don't mind missing the party to look after my grandson"

"Okay it's set then, tomorrow night" Opie grinned.

"Come on then darlin' let's head home and do nothing for the rest of the day" Jax grinned taking Abel from Gemma.

Walking into the house you felt a wave of sadness wash over you, you hadn't stepped foot in the property since Amber died. Jax sense the sudden change in mood, placing the car seat with Abel in down on the floor he pulled you into his chest.

"It's gonna be okay baby" he whispered kissing the top of your head.

"It just feels so weird coming home and the place in empty and no sound of giggles or toys spread everywhere" you mumbled grabbing a fist full of his hoodie "the sooner clay is dead the better"

"I know baby, but you know why we need him alive. As soon as this deal is done we will vote to patch him out and then vote to see if he meets Mr Mayhem" Jax whispered lifting your chin up and kissing you.

Just as his lips met yours Abel started crying.

"That's my boy, master of timing already" he laughed lowly pulling away and picking Abel up out of the car seat.

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