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It had been 3 months since you came home to charming, things between you and Jax was still awkward but Amber had built a good relationship with her dad in such a short time and even though things was awkward both you and Jax swallowed your pride for her.

"Momma can we go see daddy" Amber asked as she at her toast.

"Daddy's working today baby" you said sipping your coffee.

"But I wanna see him" she said as her bottom lip quivered making you sigh.

"Fine but finish your breakfast and go get changed" you said giving in, you kept her away from Jax for 6 years you wasn't doing it any longer.

After you both was ready you headed over to the lot where you knew Jax would be.

You just got Amber out the car and before you could even shut the door she ran off looking for Jax.

"Daddy" she shouted running full speed as she saw him working on a bike.

Leaning against the car as you lit a smoke, you smiled slightly as he picked her up spinning her round making her giggle.

"Sorry Jax she really wanted to see you today" you mumbled.

"It's okay Harleigh don't apologise" he smiled softly "in fact I'm glad you came over I've got something to show you"

Following him through the garage he pulled the cover off a bike with his hand that wasn't holding Amber on his side, to reveal your bike.

"Wait what" you laughed "I thought this would be long gone by now"

"I just couldn't bring myself to let it go" he half laughed "I've been cleaning her up the last couple of months seen as she's been sat for years"

"Jax you didn't have to do that" you breathed running your hand across the handlebars as tears clouded your vision. "You really didn't have to"

"I know but I wanted to and thought if you decided to stay you'd want your bike back" he nodded.

"Thank you" you whispered smiling at him.

"And I hadn't forgot about you princess" he laughed as he lead you both into the chapel.

Seeing all the guys round the table you rolled your eyes. You knew what was coming.

"Right we have an important vote to do" clay grinned "vote for our newest patched member"

As he went round the table everyone said some variation of yes.

"Well then it's official princess you are officially a member of the sons" Jax smirked as he grabbed a tiny kutte.

"Just can't help yourself can you Teller" you laughed as he turned the mini kutte around and ambers eyes lit up.

"Not really" he smirked slipping the leather onto her.

"Can not believe you just patched your 6 year old daughter" you laughed.

"Look momma" Amber grinned "I'm just like daddy now"

"That's great baby" you smirked with sarcasm lacing your voice but she was too young to pick up on that.

And just like that she ran out of the room giggling away wanting to show everyone her kutte.

"I got her" Opie laughed kissing your cheek

"Thanks bro" you nodded not realising it was just you and Jax left in the room now.

"I was thinking" he said flashing his smirked he knew you still loved.

"Oh god this is gonna get be killed" you groaned.

"Actually no" he laughed "I was thinking we take your bike out for a ride. Just you and me"

"I don't know Jax" you sighed "it's a bit too much like old times don't you think"

"Maybe that's a good thing" he said "remind us what we had"

"Fine" you laughed "go get your bike"

"Oh no we are just taking your bike" he smirked.

"My bike I'm driving" you laughed as he walked over to you.

"Thought as much" he laughed.

"Wow thought I'd had a bigger fight than that, you sure your pride will let you been seen on the back of a bike with a woman in control being VP and all" you smirked.

"Only for you it can" he said with sincerity in his voice as you shook your head before walking out the room.

"Well she didn't come out pissed off or crying" Opie laughed slapping Jax on the back.

Over the last 3 months Jax forgave Opie for keeping Amber a secret as he was only following your wishes.

"That's a good sign right" Jax laughed.

"Yeah it is, I think she is gonna stay in town" he smiled "look just take your time with Y/N you broke her heart and she isn't gonna let you back in straight away"

"I know man but she agreed to go on a ride, just me and her so it's gotta mean something right" Jax smiled.

"It might do or she's just trying to patch things up for Amber" Opie nodded.

"I still love her you know, I know I broke he left heart but I'm not the same guy I was when I was 24" Jax sighed "I just don't know what to do ope"

"Just continue what you are doing, that's the best thing. Show her you want to be part of her life and not just as Ambers dad" Opie smiled.

"Thank Bro" Jax smiled before heading out to find you.

"Took your time Teller" you laughed as you rolled your bike out.

"Was speaking time Opie" he laughed "club stuff"

"You getting on or what" you smirked as he grabbed his helmet before climbing on the back of the bike wrapping his arms tight around your waist.

"You do still remember how to ride right?" He chuckled.

"Piss off" you laughed as you started the engine.

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