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The mood in the clubhouse was eerie, no one dared saying anything in case it pissed someone off. Everyone was mourning.

Kicking the door open you stormed in, all that was left was anger and pain running through your veins.

"Bottle of scotch now" you snapped making Chucky jump.

Once you had the bottle in your hand you unscrewed the lid, pouring some on the ground before taking a long gulp. There was one person who didn't even bother to say goodbye, the one person that made the accident happen. And he was standing at the doors of the chapel smirking.

"You think you are so fucking clever don't you" you spat squaring up to clay.

"Don't know what you are talking about?" He shrugged.

"You didn't even have the audacity to come to the fucking hospital to say bye to a friend, someone who was first fucking 9 and essentially your granddaughter" you hissed.

"She's not my blood" he said coldly which set you off.

Kicking tables over, throwing the bottle of scotch at the wall. Overturning the pool table.

Single handily you wrecked the club house, picking a chair up you launched it at the window into the chapel.

Reaching into the pocket of Jax's hoodie you pulled your gun out pointing it at clay.

"Shit" Chibs shouted "Jackie boy you need to get in her, Leigh has pulled a gun on clay"

"I think it's time the club found out a few truths about their president" you smirked taking the safety off the gun. "Let see first of all we all know you hate me, you always have so when I came back into Jax's life you hated it so made plans to get rid of me"

"She's chatting shit" clay nodded not taking his eyes off the gun.

"Oh am I? Then why did I go into early labour and my son ended up with a tear in his abdomen, oh I know because you had been spiking my drinks with naproxen for weeks causing me to collapse nearly killing my boy in the process" you screamed

There was a few gasps.

"How about you started the deal with the cartel just to line your fucking pockets before you hands give in" you spat "or how about you ordering a hit of my fucking dad and daughter"

All he did was smirk. The bastard actually smirked.

"She was only fucking 6 years old" you screamed

"Not as stupid as I thought" he laughed "what you gonna do shoot me"

Moving your aim slightly you pulled the trigger of the gun, shooting Clays picture on the wall.

"Wanna bet on that" you spat.

"Baby put the gun down" Jax said pointing his gun at you "I don't wanna shoot you"

"But he deserves to die, he killed our princess and my dad" you screamed as tears ran down your cheeks.

"I know darlin' I know and he does deserve to die but I can't have you go down for it, I need you, Opie needs you, this club needs you and Abel needs his mommy" Jax cried.

"I'm sorry Jax" you breathed.

The sound of 3 gun shots filled the club followed by a fourth and the gun falling out of your grip.

Looking down at your arm to see the blood.

"You fucking shot me" you sobbed collapsing on the ground clutching your arm.

"Shit someone call a fucking ambulance" Jax shouted "he can't fucking die yet"

Instantly Jax sat behind you, wrapping his arms around you, placing his large hand over where the bullet grazed your wrist.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry" he whispered pulling his phone out calling someone "how fast can you get to the clubhouse, Okay hurry"

"I'm sorry Jax" you sobbed "I needed to be killed two people we love"

"I know, I know. It's gonna be okay" he whispered kissing your head over and over. "Things are gonna change"

You don't know how long you was on the floor but soon enough Tara was crouching one front of you.

"What you doing here" you hissed at her.

"I didn't know who else to call baby, you can't go to the hospital with clay going there they will charge you" Jax whispered "just let her stitch you up"

"Fine" you mumbled, you had completely given up right now.

Once Tara had stitched you up, you completely broke down in Jax's arms, everything just became too much, it had all finally hit home that you'd never see your dad or daughter again, your dad would never see you get married, he will never see you, Jax and Opie change the club. He would never be able to give you a hug again or have a couple of shots with at 11am. You will never see your baby grow up, you would never see her grow into her attitude, never have cuddles first thing in the morning again.

All you wanted to do was curl up and give up, you didn't see the point in living any more.

Clay had now been taken to the hospital and the guys was trying to straighten the clubhouse mainly to keep them busy. Whilst Jax held you tight in his lap both sobbing, feeling another set of arms on you, you looked up to see Opie holding his arms open. Crawling over to him, he wrapped his arms around you.

"How do we get through this" you asked both of them.

"We take it a day at a time and we do it together and we do it has a family"

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