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Today was the day was was dreading, the day you laid your dad and daughter to rest.

Leaning against the bar as you lit the joint, you pulled your sunglasses over your eyes to hide the bags that had formed from lack of sleep.

You had zoned out from the hustle and bustle of the club getting things ready, but was pulled out of your own world when you felt Jax place his hand on your shoulder. He took you by surprise when he didn't say anything about you smoking before you rode, he just took the joint out of your hand taking a hit on it.

Leaning back into him, letting his scent wash over you. Neither of you said anything but just used each other for support, this was the most contact you had with Jax in the last couple of days.

"I love you" he whispered resting his head against yours.

"I love you too" you mumbled.

"Don't push me out baby" Jax whispered as you took another hit on the joint "we are both hurting and I need my girl"

"I'm trying not to Jax" you sighed "I'm just struggling"

"I know baby and I'm sorry I've not been around much but I can't let the club crumble" he sighed.

"I know, dad would kill you if you did" you half laughed.

"Guys it's time" Opie said taking the joint out of your hand finishing it off.

Walking out of the clubhouse hand in hand with Jax and Opie the tears started again when you saw all the guys stood waiting for you all wearing bright pink hoodies under their kuttes.

"Guys" you sobbed.

"We wanted to honour our princess by not wearing black as we know she hated it and pink was her favourite colour" Bobby nodded passing the 3 of you a pink hoodie.

"Thank you" Jax nodded wiping his tears away before placing both his hands on your shoulder. "Take a deep breath baby you are shaking like a leaf you sure you are gonna be able to ride?"

"Yeah I will be fine. I need to ride" you nodded pulling the hoodie over your head.

Soon enough the only sound you could hear was the sound of bikes riding down the street. Somehow the guys and managed to get the roads closed so we could ride with the 2 hursts behind us with no issues.

You knew Jax said he wanted to get you out of the club but you knew it would never happen, the guys riding beside you was family, and you had already left them once and swore to yourself that you'd never do it again. But it was either get out now or force clay to step down and Jax to become president.

The service was short and sweet, there was just one thing left to do as you clung to the leather and denim in your hand. Taking a deep breath you kissed the denim before passing it to Opie.

The 3 of your stood up as walked over to the coffins as you placed the kuttes over the wood before they was lowered into the ground.

It was in that moment that something changed in the 3 of you, you would still mourn the loss of piney and Amber but now it was the time for revenge. Clay would get his day, the only reason he was still alive was Jax needed him to close the deal with the Irish and cartel then the drugs would be cut from Samcro. For good.

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