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Anger was flowing through your blood right now, stretching your neck out and cracking your knuckles you stood over Tara.

"So you lied" you hissed. "Why?"

"Because you are changing him" she laughed "and ever since you came home Jax losing more and more family because you get them kill"

That was it, you saw red, grabbing a fist full of her hair, you knuckles connected with the face.

"I've had it up to my my teeth with you" you spat dragging her out of the office by her hair.

Everyone's eyed landed on you, they knew not to even try and come over due to the expression on your face.

Laying another couple of punches on her face before you slammed her head into the ground.

"Told you I'd smash your face in bitch" you smeared pulling her head back up "now I am far too hungover for this shit, you are gonna get back into your car and drive away. You are not welcome round here and definitely not around my family"

"What you gonna do about a doctor around her?" She asked.

"We will find someone" you glared letting go of her hair before pulling your small knife out "know I'd suggest you go because on 10 seconds I will cut you"

As soon as she had left the lot you leant on the metal railing, bent over double as you through your guts up. Instantly Jax came up to you pulling your hair back and rubbing your back.

Once you had finished emptying the contents of your stomach you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, standing up straight and looking Jax dead in the eyes and scoffed.

"You didn't even come after me after I stormed off last night" You spat "You just stayed with her, do you know how that made me feel, what it made me think"

"Baby you would have punched me if I had followed you" Jax sighed.

"Not the fucking point though is it" You shouted as Gemma placed her arm around your shoulders.

"Come on lets go get your knuckles cleaned up" she whispered leading you away from Jax.

Know you knew he didn't sleep with her, your heart felt lighter but you couldn't just jump back into his arms not when he did come and make sure you was okay.

"What am I gonna do Gem" You hissed as she cleaned your knuckles up.

"I think the best thing would be to crawl back into bed, sleep this hangover off and calm down, we will watch Abel and I will talk to Jax" she whispered "And baby, happy birthday"

"Yeah it's turning out to be a great fucking day, first birthday without my pops and baby girl and shit kicks off" You sighed holding back tears "the last thing I need today is worrying that Jax doesn't love me anymore, I need him by my side and not at each other's throats."

"I know sweetheart, I know" Gemma nodded kissing your head "but at least you know he didn't sleep with her, and she is a lying bitch"

"I don't know what I would have done if it was true Gem" You sighed "I fucking love Jax with every bone in my body and I can't go through the heartbreak again, not like last time"

"Let me speak to him, but you go get some sleep, I promise you will feel better" She smiled.

As soon as you had headed back to yours and Jax's dorm Gemma headed outside.

"How is she mom?" Jax asked as he bounced Abel in his arms.

"Broken" She sighed.

"But I didn't sleep with her" He sighed.

"Not about that Jax, more the fact you didn't try and make it right last night and what day is it today son" Gemmma said lighting a smoke.

"Fuck" Jax mumbled.

"She needs you more than ever today, her emotions are all over the place and this was the last thing she needed"

"Where is she now?" Jax asked.

"I sent her to go get some sleep to try and sleep the hang over off" She nodded "At least then we can try and calm her emotions when she is feeling more human"

Jax knew the guys would watch Abel, they knew he needed to fix things with Leigh, you both had been through some shit since you came home and needed to deal with it. At the end of the day you two was meant to be, you was soul mates.

As Jax quietly snuck into the room, he saw you curled up in a ball on top of the duvet, it was obvious you had been crying and it killed him to know he was the reason for your tears, he promised himself he would never make you cry again yet here he was, feeling like an outsider looking in at the moment. Kicking his trainers off, he placed his kutte on the back of the chair, dropping his jean. He managed to pull the duvet from under you and slid into the space next to you, wrapping his arms around you waist.

It was a natural reaction to snuggle into his side, your body did it voluntarily.

You knew by the smell, it was Jax.

"I'm sorry" you sniffled still half asleep.

"Don't worry about it baby" Jax whispered holding you tight. "We can talk things through later but for now let me just hold you whilst we both get some sleep"

"Okay" you mumbled as you felt Jax place a kiss on your head.

"Happy birthday darlin'" He whispered as he watched your eyes finally drop and your breathing shallowed out.

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