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"Has anyone noticed the change in old Jackie Boy recently?" Chibs asked leaning against the bar.

"Ever since Leigh came back I have, I don't think he has fucked anyone either" Tig laughed.

"He loves her guys and now he knows he has a kid he is doing everything to win Leigh's heart back and not just for Amber's sake either. I mean he kept her bike and fixed it up" Opie smiled as he took a sip of beer "They are currently out on a ride, just them two on the back of her bike and he even let her drive"

"Fucking hell" Chibs breathed "it's real then"

"We need a way of getting them closer together" Tig smirked.

"Party, it's simple we say it's a welcome home party for Leigh, I know for a fact she hasn't gotten high since she was pregnant and she kinda misses it" Opie smiled

"She is gonna take some convincing though" Chibs said finishing his beer.

"Leave that to me" Opie winked as they all headed to get everything ready for tonight.

"Yo sis" Ope shouted as you rounded up Ambers things

"Whats up" You said hugging him

"We are throwing a welcome home party for you tonight" He beamed making you roll your eyes.

"Any excuse for a party, and I can't come sorry, I've got madam to worry about" You sighed, you missed that life, the parties, getting high, the sex, but your priorities had changed now.

"Don't worry about Amber tonight, I've got a sitter for the kids anyway so she can go there spend time with her cousins" He grinned flashing you the puppy dog look that he know you couldn't say no to "Please"

"Fine, I will come but there best be good weed there or you are dead big brother" You winked as you walked off to find your daughter.

It wasn't a surprise when you saw her at the bar clinging to Jax's back.

"So did you expect them to get close so fast" Bobby chuckled as Opie turned and looked over at you.

You was currently sat on Jax's knee arms round his neck whilst he had his arms round your waist, it was like the clock had turn back in time. Sneakily he managed to take a decent picture of them both before turning back to the guys.

"Not this fast but she defiantly needs tonight" Opie smiled.

You knew your brother would be watching you, seen as you was all over Jax, but it was just because of the weed, you tried to convince yourself.

"I'd wish the guys would stop watching us" You sighed taking another hit on the joint.

"I know somewhere, where they won't be able to watch us" Jax grinned helping you off his knee before moving his arm so it was around your shoulders. "Plus we all know I'm the best company"

That was it you burst out laughing and couldn't stop as you walked through the club, passing your brother and the guy you stuck your middle finger up at them as they cheered and whistled as you headed to Jax's room.

You face planted the bed as Jax closed the door.

"Ahhh much better" You giggled as Jax laid on the bed pulling you towards him.

This was not how you saw the night going as you laid on Jax's bed in the clubhouse with your head in his lap giggling away from the weed. But here you were.

"I don't even know what I'm laughing about" you said slowly in between breaths trying to calm down.

"I dunno but you laugh is cute as fuck" he smirked passing you the joint.

"I laugh like a freaking hyena" you said taking a hit on the joint finishing it off

"A bloody cute hyena though" he winked taking the joint from you and stubbing it out in the ashtray.

"I needed tonight, I forget sometimes I'm only 26. I've not done anything like this for so long" you sighed staring at the ceiling.

"What not even sex?" Jax gasped.

"Nope not even sex and that's all you think about, it's also easy for you because I mean look at you" you said "I mean look at me, My body is nothing like it was when I was 18"

"And" he whispered turning your head so you was looking at him "so what if you have gained a few pounds or some stretch marks, you grew a freaking human in you for 9 months and I'd say that's pretty amazing"

Something in the air had changed and you didn't know if it was the weed or not. But all you wanted to do was pounce on Jax.

"Kiss me" you breathed staring into his eyes.

"What?" He said in shock at the words that had just come out your mouth.

"Did I stutter?" You giggled pushing yourself up before straddling Jax "I don't think I did so kiss me Teller"

Leaning into him, wrapping your arms round his neck you pressed your lips against his, at first it was slow and gentle but it was like a switch had been flipped and soon enough it was sloppy, teeth catching and just hot. His hands found their way to your hips squeezing slightly as you pulled away. He noticed the look of lust in your eyes.

"Is this what you really want Harleigh" He asked as he ran his fingers along your arm.

"Yes" you whispered against his lips.

"Well your wish is my command darlin'" he smirked flipping you over so he was now on top of you. "I just want you to relax, this is all about you okay"

"Such a gentleman" you giggled pulling your top off.

"I do try" he smirked copying your action before kissing every bit of bare skin showing.

Soft moans escaped your lips as he left gentle kisses on your skin whilst his beard tickled your skin. His calloused fingers fumbling at you jean button, his hot breath against you skin.

"Jax hurry up" you laughed wiggling out of your jeans.

"Okay miss demanding" he smirked as he pushed your thong aside, running his fingers over your core making you moan "that fast enough for you"

Without warning he slipped a finger in moving slowly letting you get used to the feeling, soon enough you could feel that fire in your lower abdomen as Jax worked his magic leaving you breathless.

"Jax" you moaned as he smirked at you "I don't know how much long I will last" you whispered feeling a little ashamed and he could sense it.

"Hey it's okay baby" he whispered pulling his finger out and wiping it on the sheet before he hovered above you putting his weight into his forearm and kissing your forehead "Don't feel ashamed, I've got you okay, now I'm gonna ask again just to make sure this is what you want"

"Yes Jax, I want you to fuck me" you nodded putting your arms round his neck pulling him closer.

"I'm gonna go slow okay baby" he whispered as he slowly slid his length into you making you gasp.

After letting you adjust to him, he slowly started to thrust whilst his hand found your boob squeezing it softly.

"I need to go on top" you laughed making Jax smirked, he always loved when you went on top kinda taking control.

You were both too engrossed in the moment you didn't hear the door opening until Opie screamed.

"Fuck, my eyes" he shuddered holding his hand over his eyes.

His voice made you squeal burying your face in the crook of Jax's neck

"Ope fuck off man, we are kind in the middle of something here" Jax groaned

"I can see that" Ope half laughed as he left the room before shouting through the door "lock the door next time"

The mood was well and truly killed after your brother walked in on you, rolling off Jax and lying next to him as you both burst out laughing as he pulled you into his side as you absentmindedly ran your finger across his abs

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