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2 months had now passed, the tattoo studio hit the ground running, it got so busy you had to hire another artist just to keep up with the demand, especially because you only worked 3 days a week so you could still spend time with Amber and Jax.

Speaking of you and Jax, things was going great, Jax had definitely changed but it was a good change. He was more affectionate than when you was first together and kept to his word about you was the only girl for him.

Leaning against the bar in the club house you smiled taking in the sounds of laughter.

That was until you had the need to puke, pulling your fist to your mouth you legged it to the bathroom making it just in time. Collapsing on the floor resting your head on the toilet seat as you calmed your breathing.

"Baby you okay?" Gemma's voice echoed.

"Yeah I'm fine" you said wiping your mouth before flushing the toilet and walking out to her "must have ate something dodgy"

"Harleigh that's the 4th time you've thrown up this morning, not counting the last couple of days" she said placing her hand on your shoulder "how far along are you?"

"What" you said looking puzzled.

"Baby you are pregnant" she whispered taking in your expression of shock "you've not done a test have you?"

"No because I thought it was just a bug" you shrugged.

"Tell you want I will run to the store and get some tests" she smiled kissing your head leaving you stood in the bathroom alone.

You couldn't believe this, yes things were going well with Jax but throwing another child into the mix, you had no idea how he'd react. Did he even want another kid?

Shaking the thoughts you joined the others back in the club. You hadn't even took 5 steps when you felt Jax place his hands on your hips pulling you into his body.

"You okay darlin', mom said you aren't feeling too great" he asked, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah I'm okay, just got a stomach bug or something" you whispered leaning your head back against his chest. "I will be fine don't worry"

"I can run you home if you want" he whispered into your hair.

"Baby I'm fine" you laughed spinning round wrapping your arms around his neck "I'm okay now"

"If you feel worse I'm taking you home" he said kissing your head.

"Stop worrying" you laughed wiggling out of his arms and sitting back at the bar "Chucky pass us a bottle of water please"

Jax had wandered off somewhere leaving you with Chibs, Tig and Opie.

"It's good to see you smiling again" Tig grinned pulling me into a hug.

"We knew you two would end up back together, the pull between you is insane" Chibs nodded.

"Sounding like a broken record chibby" you laughed sipping your water.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw Gemma walked back in.

"Sorry boys I need to steal her" she smiled placing her hand on your shoulder. "Come on baby let's go"

Grabbing your keys you followed her outside.

"Meet you back at yours or mine?" You asked putting your helmet on.

"Come back to mine" she nodded.

The ride back to Gemma's was quiet, your thoughts all over the place. Pulling up on her drive you cut the engine and flicked the kickstand down before pulling a smoke out.

"Really baby" she half laughed raising her eyebrow.

"Just gimme this one okay because i am pregnant this will be my last one for a while" you nodded taking a long drag of the cigarette.

"Meet me inside when you have finished" she smiled before disappearing.

After finishing your smoke you wandered into the house.

"Right let's do this" you sighed

"You not happy about potentially being pregnant again" Gemma asked.

"I don't know, me and Jax have only been together for 2 months, I don't even know if he wants another child" you whispered.

"You know Jax will be so excited about you being pregnant again" she grinned and there was that pang of guilt again.

"Yeah he would because he missed out on that with Amber" you said chewing the inside of your mouth.

"Hey, Jax doesn't blame you for that, none of us do so stop thinking like that. That boy worships the ground you walk on and it's only gonna be a matter of time before you become his old lady" Gemma smiled pulling you into a hug "now go piss on this"

Taking the tests you wandered into the bathroom, leaning against the sink your stared at yourself in the mirror composing yourself before you did the tests.

Walking back out of the bathroom you saw clay leaning against the kitchen side, pulling the tests up into your sleeve you smiled at him.

"Where's gem?" You asked

"I'm here baby" she smiled placing her hand on your shoulder "come on I need your help in here a sec"

She knew clay hated you, apparently you always clouded Jax's brain. But he was the only one to think that.

"I can't look" you whispered passing the tests to Gemma. "What do they say?"

"Baby you are pregnant, about 6 weeks" she grinned pulling you into a tight hug.

"Let's hope Jax takes the news as well as you" you half laughed "fuck I need a smoke"

"I know how scared you are so one last one okay Leigh, if I see you smoking after this I will slap you" she whispered passing you her pack of smokes.

"Copy that" you nodded as you held the cig between your lips as she lit it.

"Now how we telling Jackson?" She asked sparking up herself.

"Thinking at dinner tomorrow, with the shop opening ive not had time to get him a present" you said "I'm sorting ambers present out in the morning, she wants to drop Winston from her name"

"What" Gemma gasped.

"Yeah her words was momma I want to just be a Teller" you laughed shaking your head.

"And you aren't pissed?"

"Nah she's nearly 7 now and if she wants to change her last name just to Teller who am I to stop her" you smiled.

"Don't worry baby you will be a Teller soon" she winked.

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