Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything PJO/HoO related (they go to Uncle Rick), neither do I own any of the Marvel stuff (they go to Marvel studios).

Percy P.O.V.

25 September

Over the last few days I've been training a lot with my squad, getting everything ready for the upcoming battle and hanging out with Annabeth or any of the other people.

We've been getting a lot of monsters and Thanos' creatures that come to the edge of the force field protecting Wakanda. They obviously can't get in and they just kinda stand there waiting, staring at us... awkward, I know. Then finally one of our squads or more than one (depending on the amount of attackers) and the squad kills them as part of their training.

Right now I'm in a lounge of some sort with Annabeth, Grover and Thalia.

Life is good, for a demigod at the beginning of a war. Annabeth and I have gone on a few 'dates' in our free time. We also get to see the rest of the seven a lot more often now, almost like old times. Almost. There's still an empty silence whenever Leo would have given a funny comment or joke.

The wall around Wakanda and infront of the future battlegrounds is finish and reinforced with Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold spikes. Cabin 9 is almost finished with the traps and the mortals have all their weapons and methods of transport ready.

Now comes the hard and uneasy part. The waiting. See this is the part where Leo would have been Leo and made funny comments or jokes to lift our moods. But sadly we don't have him anymore.

Sometimes I forget why Thanos is going to send his precious army into a death trap for no reason. Because, what does he get out of it?  Then Annabeth always reminds me that he thinks we've got the last Infinity Stone in Wakanda. Yeah right, like we'd trust the mortals with the last Infinity Stone. At least we still know Thanos is coming and there won't be a prize for him, but he doesn't know that, BAMBOOZLED! I feel pretty smart on behalf of the half-bloods or mortals or Annabeth or who ever thought this out. It's pretty dam smart. Dam. A small smile spread on my face.

"Dam," I say out loud. Annabeth looks up from her book, slightly confused. Thalia, who was stringing her bow, also looks up. At first she looks confused as well then a nostalgic expression forms and she laughs slightly. Grover joins in. He was communicating with the woodland creatures in the area or something through, what looks like, an evolved leaf.

"That's DAM hilarious, Percy," Grover says as I start to laugh a bit too hard. This situation wasn't much different from the last one. The first time was just after we lost Bianca on our quest to Mount Orthys. We were sad, depressed and practically gave up hope. Right now we are about to fight in a war. The odds don't look too good and many will be lost. Both situations so hopelessly sad that it's almost funny.

"DAM right, Grover!" Thalia said wheezing. Annabeth looks at us completely confused.

What the Hades are you talking about?" She said, almost annoyed.

"Not a DAM thing!" I said, I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts.

"I could use some DAM french fries now,"  Thalia continues, "Or a DAM t-shirt from the DAM souvenir shop!"

None of us could hold it in any longer. The three of us laughed together. Annabeth just stared at us confused and slightly disappointed in us. But I can't help it, I continued laughing untill my cheeks hurt.

We start to slowly but surely calm down. Very slowly.

Leo P.O.V.

Calypso and I arrived at Camp Half-Blood a little later than expected, 25th of September to be exact. We got a little side tracked on the way. And no we weren't just being tourists, we got attacked by some monsters and had to stop somewhere, get supplies to fix Festus and actually fix Festus.

I didn't recognize half of the monsters attacking us. Neither did Calypso. That is slightly unusual, since she practically is a 'myth' as well. Don't tell her that.

Anyway as we arrived at Camp Half-Blood I got a huge fright. The camp was almost completely deserted! I could see a few campers walking on the grounds but that was about it.

I landed Festus on the volleyball court and the few campers I saw milled around us. I spotted Harley, the little Hephaestus boy. My half brother. I realized that all the other campers here are also about his age. About nine years old or younger. The oldest looked about twelve. I didn't recognize any of them. Maybe they're all new campers or it's just because my short time that I spent here I was mainly in Bunker 9.

Calypso and I hopped off Festus.

"L- Leo?" Harley asks. I spread my arms wide for a hug. He comes running towards me and jumps into my arms. Then when he releases me he punches me. Very hard for an eight year old kid, geez.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked, I kind of alreadly know that answer, but still.

"Where were you?! And who's that?" He asked pointing at Calypso.

"I, um- this-," I try to explain.

"Hi, I'm Calypso," Calypso says. Harley's eyes widen at her name. I guess he knows her story then.

"We have to get you to the Big House. A lot is going on," he said. Good maybe the seven are just out on a quest or in the Big House, hopefully not in the underworld. I still don't want to ask Harley. The fear is still there.

Just before we enter the  Big House I grabed his scrawny arm,"Are- are the rest still..." my voice trails off at the end.

"Oh , yes they're fine. They just miss you, like the rest of us. Chiron will explain everything shortly," he said chirpily. I feel like the burden of the sky had been lifted from my shoulders. I sigh in relief before entering the Big House.

So yeah! That's chapter 20. Wow, I didn't think the story would get this long. Anyway thank for reading and please comment on mistakes or just because you feel like it. Thanks for over 1000 reads! Enjoy your life and stay safe!


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