Chapter 43

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything PJO/HoO related (that goes to Uncle Rick), neither do I own anything from the MCU (that goes to Marvel Studios)

Nico P.O.V.

You know that hollow empty feeling you get when you're so hungry it feels like your stomach is eating you from the inside? That's how I feel now, but I'm not hungry, I'm grieving.

Will was the only man to ever love me back. He was my sunshine, pretty corny, I know, but I don't even care anymore. 

When my senses kicked back in after the shock I flew to the explosion at full speed on my mechanical pegasus. The living pegasi don't like me very much, because of my death vibe, so I'm stuck with the mechanical ones. My plan was to go check for any survivors, one in particular, even though it was highly unlikely that someone would survive an explosion like that one.

"WILL!" I screamed, hoping for an answer. Most of our side of the battle followed me to inspect the remains of the explosion, some stayed behind to fight and cover for us. (Author chip in: I was about to say, "Hazel put her arm around me to soothe me" or something, but then I remembered...) I felt so alone. The people around me screamed names as well, I vaguely recognized a few.

After about half an hour of searching and screaming my throat raw, I saw a familiar gold, glinting head under some rubble and debris. I stormed forward to see if it was him.

"Will? WILL!" I practically yelled once I cleared his face of debris and recognized him. While throwing off the rest of the rubble and checking for a pulse, I realized that I had started crying slightly in the last 30 minutes. "Thank gods, Will, you're alive!" there was a pulse, faint, but it was still there

I called for any remaining, alive medic and they came to help him. Once there was nothing left for me to do but wait, I went back into the battle.

The remaining battle went by in a blur. Demigods, Amazons, Hunters, Avengers, Party Ponies, Wakanda soldiers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents combined quickly worked through the last of the monsters and creatures. The war was won. Thanos had been killed by Iron Man and a few other Avengers shortly after Hazel had destroyed his stones. We never found the Reality Stone, the Black Order must have fled with it.

Will had some injuries, nothing permanent, luckily. Leo was back, with, who I'm assuming is Calypso from Ogygia. We are having a feast tonight to celebrate our victory and our fallen heroes.

Now came the time to grieve for my sister and all the other deceased. Proper burials usually fell under my responsibility, so I'm going to throw myself into that job. That way I won't have to face the truth. That she is gone. Like Bianca, gone forever.

Aah, so sad, but at least the battle is over and has been won! Anyway, I think I'm gonna put in one or two more chapters where the feast is gonna happen because I still have a few things to say after 43 chapters. Wow, that's a lot.


So like please tell me if you wanna read that fanfic or not?

Breathe thoroughly

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