Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: Marvel characters belong to Marvel studios and PJO/HoO characters belong to Uncle Rick, I don't own anything.

Sorry for being M.I.A. for so long, I've been quite busy. Updates will probaly be a little more spread out over time from now on. Well we're almost done with this strory. Be prepared!

Leo P.O.V.

Ok? So there's another war going on? And I get to meet Iron Man, yass I'm like a big fan, so yeah!

It took me a while to explain Iron Man and the Avengers to Calypso, but she gets it now, I think.

Calypso and I stayed over at Camp for like four nights I think? 'Cause you know, VIP guest right here, all the way from the underworld, or so they thought.  There was like a celebration thingy, I ate a lot. I got a lot of new bruises from some of the campers here that I do know. But yeah, lots of fun, lots of partying.

But now I'm saying goodbye to Camp, once again. Hopefully not for that long again. Chiron told me I should go help the other demigods and the mortals. Obviously Calypso is coming with me.

As we ascend into the sky, on Festus, we hear the campers yelling good byes and wishing us luck. Chiron didn't tell the rest of the seven that I am alive, since I asked him not to. I wanna supprise them and see the surprise on their faces. Who knows this could be a good opportunity to see who really likes me or who just puts up a front. You know by seeing if they're glad to see me or not.

The cold wind rips through my shirt like daggers. Although I don't mind, I'm Mr. McShizzle, the cold doesn't bother me anyway (my thing now Elsa). Calypso clings to me for her own safety and warmth.

This trip should proably take another six days or so. We should be there before the battle. But you know as a demigod something always seems to go wrong.

Mmkay, so I know this is a really short chapter but another one is following. I think I might start making the chapters a bit shorter. The next ones will most probaly be longer than this one. This one is just like a check up on Leo, so you know where he's at and also to build the suspense for the big battle...

Hehe, enjoy life?


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