Chapter 27

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything PJO/HoO related (they go to Uncle Rick), neither do I own anything from the MCU (they go to Marvel Studios).

Natasha P.O.V.

As I return to the safe side of the wall, the setting before me is slightly horrifying. The injured are all crowed up under the infirmary tents and the dead lines the wall to the right. I'm not sure how many are dead, but there is definitely over a hundred bodies lying against the wall on strechers.

I see that there is some sort of a meeting forming under a big tent. Well, I'm assuming it's a meeting, since most of the Avengers and people who make the plans and decisions are there. By "people who make the plans and decisions " I mean people like Annabeth, Reyna, Percy, Jason, etcetera.

As I head towards the tent, the past 5 hours' battle replays in my head on fast forward. There is lots of blood, injuries, monster dust, and goo (from Thanos's creatures) involved. I fought countless alien-creatures and surreal Greek or Roman monsters. I'll admit, when I was much younger (about eleven) I was a little bit of a Greek mythology fangirl. ( Author's note: I made that up I don't know if that's actually true, but hey, could be?) That's what inspired me to start fighting seriously and to become a spy. But now, as an adult fighting all these monsters I used to fangirl about as a kid? Still pretty awesome.

The only injuries I've sustained so far is a cut down the length of my arm (that I got from a Gorgon) and some burnt hair (compliments of a nearby Drakon).

I abruptly turn my head towards a sound behind me. It's Reyna, the daughter of Bellona. We've formed a bond of some sort in the short time we've known each other. Same with Annabeth and Percy, for some reason I've just connected extremely well with those three demigods in particular.

"Heard anything from your sister lately?" I asked her. Her sister, Hylla, is the queen of the Amazons. The Amazons have a huge army of crazy warrior women (who I feel I could really get along with as well). And right now we need as many as possible fighters, so Reyna has been trying to get her and the Amazons to help.

"Oh, you know, just the usual "Amazons defend their home, they don't lead attackes" crap," Reyna said exasperated.

"Well did you remind her that Earth is her home and that Thanos's goal is to destroy half of all life on earth?" I asked in a innocent voice, just to annoy her.

"Yes, I did! And you know what she said?" Reyna said in an angry, controlled voice. "She'll think about it. I mean, what nonsense is that?"

I stifle a laugh and say,"Well let's go see what Captain has planned now." At this she smiled. We could both see Rogers from where we stand. He was going around trying to get everyone's attention so he could announce his great plan, but at the same time Stark is also trying to annoy Steve, it seems.

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