Sadie Adler x reader

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From Red Dead Redemption 2.

"What the hell are you doing woman?!"
The man yelled at you as you tied his hands behind your back. You just chuckled and patted him on the head.

"They got a good bounty on you. Not something I'll pass up on" You lifted him up and over your shoulder, carrying him to your horse.
As soon as you had thrown him on your horse, you heard a rustling from the nearby bushels. You grabbed your gun and turned around, only to be met with the barrel of another gun. You stood like that, with your gun directed at them for some time before cocking your head to the side to see who the other gun's owner where. A grin crept over your face

"Well if it ain't Mrs. Adler" Neither of you lowered your gun.

"Do we know each other?" She said, not really making any facial expressions.

"Nah, I've only heard bout'cha. Any person in this line of work with at least a little pride knows your name"
You both kept staring each other down, you with a crazy smile on your face, but eyes as cold as hers.

"So, we aren't goin' nowhere with this. We can both pull the trigger at any moment, but that won't really benefit any of us. What do ya say we just split the bounty?" You said, trying to compromise.

"Huh. And how do I know you ain't just going to run off with 'im?" She said, slightly lowering her gun so you didn't have to lean your head to look her in the eyes. You straightened up.

"Listen, I'm not going to just roll ya like that. I'd be dead before I could cash him in. But if you wanna be real sure, you can put him on your horse. Then I can't just run away with him"  She seemed to think about it for a little, before putting her pistol back in its holster and you did the same.
She put out her hand.


You took her hand and gave her another toothy smile before you picked the man off your horse again and she called for her own horse.

"Seems like you won't have to carry this guy, huh NomNom? " You said as you threw him over the back of Sadie's horse.

"NomNom?" She said as she climbed into her saddle.

"Yeah. That's her name" You jumped onto your own horse. You suddenly got an idea.

"Wanna race to the sheriff's office?" You said as you both began your way back to the road.
She looked at your horse out of the corner of her eye and scoffed. It was very small in comparison to her large, brutish horse. Yours was half the size of it.

"If you're scared then..."
She looked back at your smug face.

"You're on" That made you smile again.

"Ready then? Go!" And you both set off, ignoring the screaming of the man on the back of her horse.

It was you who arrived first, giving you time to hitch your horse and give it a carrot before she caught up.

"That there horse is great. Although I wouldn't have been that far behind if I didn't have this screaming sack of shit on my horse" She jumped down and hitched her own horse and lifted the now very dizzy man off of it.

"She's a beaut, isn't she? White Arabian. Tamed her myself" You stroked her mane before joining Sadie on the way into the sheriff's office.
You held the door open for her as the deputy looked up from his papers.

"What do you two want?"

"We're here to get the bounty off this piece of trash" You said as Sadie showed the man on her back.

"You two are bounty hunters?" He stood up and opened the cell door.

He laughed at Sadie's response.

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