Mother! Huntress x Survivor! reader

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From Dead by Daylight

Request by AmaterasuNoMangaka

"Come on, come on, come on..." You mumbled as you desperately lifted the other person off the hook.
"Come on buddy, we aren't done just yet" You took their hand and ran as fast as you could to the last generator.

"What the fu-" you suddenly felt a blanket of terror envelop you. You knew what that meant.
"Hurry, run the other way. We'll meet at the generator" You quickly whispered to the other person, softly pushing them away. They nodded, their face still sickingly pale. You both then ran.

You hated this game. Or whatever you could call it. You were already sick of dying. You could never seem to get a moments rest. There was always something you had to do. Run, fix a generator, help someone not die, not die yourself...
It was terrible to say the least.
And to make that particular day even worse, this was a new killer that you don't know yet. You hadn't even seen her yet, you had only heard that creepy lullaby.

Why is it that lullabies meant safety when you were a kid, but a gruesome death when you are an adult?

You could hear the song get ever so close, and you could practically feel your heart beat out of your chest.
You hadn't even had time to choose whether to hide or not before you felt a great pain in your shoulder, knocking you down.
You muffled your scream, trying to keep a bit of whatever pride you still had left. Cause it seemed like all of the killers enjoyed your screams.

You moved your other hand to your back, feeling a hatchet sticking put from your left shoulder blade.
Just as you tried to gather the courage to pull it out, you felt it get yanked out by someone else. You had not even heard the killer for the sound of your own heart.

"What the hell?!" You yelled, angry at everyone and everything.

You were turned around to face whoever just chucked a large piece of metal into your back, hissing as the ground was smeared into the very fresh wound.
A woman was looking down on you, slightly clocking her head, like she was studying you.

"Why do you have to do that?! Seriously?! How would you feel if someone yeeted a fucking axe into your back, hm? Jesus Christ..." You yelled, tired of this shit.
The woman just kept looking at you.
"Go ahead then. Sacrifice me or whatever to that weird thing up there. I'm done." You flopped your arms out to the sides, not really caring more. You kept getting weaker every time you had been murdered. It sucked.
She then lifted you up over her shoulder, just like they always did. You didn't even try to fight it this time.

You looked around, seeing another Survivor in the distance, glancing your way as they desperately tried to get the last generator working. Wasn't that the person you just helped? Good to know that you didn't completely waste your time.
You gave them a silent wave as a way of saying 'good luck' and you got one back. It was refreshing that at least someone wasn't an arse.

You suddenly passed one of the hooks, but it seemed that the killer didn't see it, as she just kept walking.

"Err, miss. There's a sacrifice thingy right there. You missed it" You called over your back. You just heard her chuckle as she kept going.
That just made you more concerned than the fact that you probably were about to die for the 47th time.

You could hear the distinct sound of a generator starting up, knowing that it was the last one.
"Yeah you better run! Didn't save your ass just for you to die now!" You yelled out to whomever was even left. You didn't know if anyone had been killed this round, or if it was just you and that other person left.

You heard a soft shh come from behind you.

"Err... What?"

"You are very loud"

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