Chapter 3 (Katsuki)

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I had to get Bakugou's POV before I went back to Izuku. Enjoy!


~Flashback Continued~

Yua closed the door behind me, as I entered the small room. The room was a decent size, in the middle of the room was a massage table, the lighting was low, and many bottles of lotion and essential oils filled the shelves around the room.

I turned around to look at Yua only to see her skin literally melting off her body, and a familiar psychotic blonde replacing her.

"Toga." I growled at her.

"Aww don't be so down Blasty!" She giggled out.

"What are you doing here?" I said, my hand ready to attack any moment.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. The oils filling the air is a concoction specially made to disable quirks." She giggled.

"Damnit." I mumbled.

"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, which do you prefer?" She twirled a knife in her hand.

I growled and charged at her, my fists raised.

"Oh? The hard way it is then." She smiled, as she charged too.

I smirked, and pulled back my left fist. She smirked too, and I felt a hand with a cloth on it, encasing my mouth. I moved my hands and clawed at the hand, but the hand wouldn't budge. Soon my vision was darkening, and my clawing became weaker. My eyes flew closed, and I collapsed back into the stranger's arms.

~Flashback TBC in next chapter~


A/N: Thanks for reading! Again sorry for the short chapter. I might update again, but I really don't know.


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