Chapter 9 (Katsuki)

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~Flashback 4 months~

I've been here for 2 months already, and I hate it. Everyday it's the same shit. My cell is all white, there's a tiny widow that I can see out of, the bed is mounted to the wall, there's a toilet in the corner, and a little desk too. They come into my small cramped cell, and poke and prod at me. Mostly my back though, which I have no idea why.

I raise my head as my cell door slides open revealing a scientist, but he's different from the usual that comes.

"Up, we're taking you somewhere." He demands.

"LIKE HELL I WILL!!!!!" I growl, and suddenly my world goes dark.

I open my eyes to feeling my body being laid down on a gurney. One of the doctors noticed I was awake and inserted more sedative in me. I soon passed out.

I finally woke up in a completely different room, I was laying on my side. This one is bigger than my cell, and has an actual bed. There was a huge window behind me, I could tell because of the immense amount of natural light coming into the room.

I blinked several times, before trying to sit up. I cried out in pain when I tried to move though. I moved again, only to have searing pain go up my back, and another shriek of pain leave my mouth. I moved again this time expecting the pain, and moving through it.

I sat fully up, pain still seething through me. The most intense pain was my upper back though. I turned my head slightly only to see them, and by them I mean wings. Big giant snowy white WINGS! My eyes widened,and my hand flew to my mouth as I let out a strangled whimper.

The pain subsided some, and I could feel my muscles, and bone move from my back, and throughout the span of my wings. I tried to move them only to let out another yelp in pain. Alright so not moving them anytime soon. I heard a hiss in front of me, and I turned my head to see a door sliding open.

"Ahh Katsuki, you're awake I see." The doctor says. I recognize him, he was the one that knocked me out just before I got these wings. I gulped, and nodded.

"Not in the mood to talk? That's ok, this is probably all so surprising, and scary." He chuckled, and I nodded hesitantly.

"Where am I?" I asked quietly.

"You're in the research part of our facility." He said as he walked towards the window. I got up, and slowly walked to the window, pain still searing through me, not as bad as before though. I let out a noticeable wince, and the doctor looked at me.

"That makes sense, they will be sore for several days. After all, you've never had wings before." He laughed, and I nodded again.

"An assistant of mine will bring you food in a few, but for now wait patiently." He smiled, and left the room.

I gulped, and sat gingerly on the bed. I looked at the wings, and moved my hand to touch them. My finger lightly glided over the white feathers.

"Soft..." I mumbled, and dropped my hand. I sighed, and tried to move them again. I yelped in pain, and immediately stopped trying.

~Flashback End ~Timeskip to hours before Izuku rescuing Katsuki~

"Alright Katsuki can you fly to the top, and then back down?" The doctor asked me.

I nodded, and slowly spread my wings to only half their spand. Honestly I'm scared to expand them all the way. I flapped my wings, and flew to the top of the huge room, then gilded back down. The doctor wrote something on his clipboard, before looking back at me.

"That's all for today, thank you Katsuki." I gulped, and stayed silent.

You know it's been 6 months since I've seen any of my friends. Are they even looking for me? I sighed, hunched in on myself, brought my wings close to my body, and stayed like that for hours. I heard the door open, and some noises, but I figured it was the doctor here to poke and prod at me again, so I stayed in my position. I heard footsteps, and a soft voice that I immediately recognized.

"Hey." They said. I jerked my voice up to see their face.


A/N: Soooo...Here's a double update. Honesly I was just bored so I decided to write. Also YAY finally we get Katsuki's POV! I hope you enjoyed, and I appreciat feedback!

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