Chapter 6 (Izuku)

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A/N: Bit of a longer chapter, so get some snacks, and get comfortable!


School was boring this morning. I couldn't focus either, Kacchan was the only thing in my mind.

"Class dismissed, Midoriya please stay behind, I need to talk to you." Aizawa tiredly said. I nodded, and waited for everyone to leave the classroom.

Finally everyone left and I walked up to Aizawa, "What did you need sir?" I asked politely.

"I have news about the mission taking place to go rescue Bakugou Katsuki." he sighed.

"Really?" I asked. I was so excited to finally have Kacchan back. I smiled, and looked at him for further information.

"Yes, really. The Pros did some more research, and we found out what the best time, and day to go on." Aizawa informed me.

"When is it?" I eagerly asked.

"It's tonight at midnight." He said, "It is best to go at night, so we are less likely to get discovered." Aizawa yawned.

"Am I coming?" I hoped he would say yes.

"Yes, you are the one that has known Bakugou the longest, so we're hoping a familiar face calms him down." Aizawa said.

"Let's hope he doesn't yell at me." I mumbled to myself. I don't think Aizawa heard me, because he pushed me out of his class room, and told me that he would inform me when they were getting ready to leave.

I sighed, a smile never leaving my face. I would finally have Kacchan back! I giggled, and skipped all the way back to the dorms.

"What's got you so happy Midobro?" Kirishima asked me when I walked into the dorm building.

"Hehe, just that Kacchan's getting rescued sooner than I thought." I told him, he nodded with a smile, and went back to his card game with Kaminari, and Sero.

I walked to my room, and jumped a little when I was met with All Might's face as I opened my door. I should really take some of those down, but I probably won't remember to.

I took out my homework and immediately got started on it. I listened to music as I did it. My first song was Parents by YUNGBLUD. You'd think I'd listen to happy go lucky pop music, but nope. I listen to a lot of rock, and punk, weird I know, but I like them so.

I sighed in content as I finished my last problem, my song ended at the same time. I put my homework away, and sat on my bed.

Since I wasn't going to sleep at my normal time, I decided to take a small power nap instead. I set a timer on my phone, and quickly changed. I got under my blanket, and slowly fell asleep.


I groggily sat up, and turned off my alarm. I looked at the clock and saw that it was around 6 in the afternoon. Dinner would be soon, I sighed, and got out of beed. I fixed my hair, and slapped the grogginess out of my face. I grabbed my phone, and went downstairs to the common room.

"Hey Deku!!!!!" Uraraka waved me over to sit next to her. I knew she had a crush on me. I've known since the beginning of the year. The only reason I get all "blushy" around her, is because I get uncomfortable with close contact. I mean there are only like two people in this universe that I don't get all blushy around and that's my mom and Kacchan.

I sighed and shook my head. I decided to not subject myself to uncomfortableness, and sat at one of the tables. I could see her face visibly drop, because I didn't sit next to her. I took out my phone and scrolled through social media till dinner time. I think it's Sato's turn to cook dinner, which I'm thankful for.

Although he always makes his meals sweet, which is understandable, because he really only bakes, not cooks. The only other person that knew how to cook was Kacchan. So the only decent meals we get are when Sato cooks. Everyone else is crap at cooking, and I'm sorry for being so blunt about it, but it's true. I finished dinner quickly, and set my dish in the sink. I then rushed up to my room, and waited for the text to get ready.

Hours passed, and finally my phone dinged. I picked it up so quickly, and unlocked it even quicker. Aizawa said to get my hero suit on, and meet them by the front gate. I smiled, and set back an ok. I quietly walked out of the dorm building and rushed to get my hero suit. I finished, and jogged to the front gate, where I met Aizawa and some other Pros. I'm coming Kacchan, I will save you.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was a bit longer than most of my other chapters. Also, I highly recommend you listen to YUNGBLUD.

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