Chapter 4 (Izuku)

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A/N: Ah yes, a double upload. I hope you enjoy!


~Flashback continued~

I was feeling good. My person was really good at what they did. My mind is clear, and it feels as though a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I walked out of the small room, and almost everyone was done. There were only a few more to finish, those included Hagakure, Kacchan, and Tokoyami.

Hagekure finished a few moments after me, then Tokoyami was not far behind. Now we had to wait for Kacchan.

15 minutes went by, and still no sign of him or Yua. Everyone was a little restless, and concerned. I was probably the most concerned out of the entire class.

Aizawa had enough, and walked to the door, and Bakugou and Yua went behind. He knocked, and asked if they were ok in there. No response.

He knitted his eyebrows together, and called for Kiri. He told Kiri to knock the door down. Kiri complied and hardened his body, he ran at the door, and it came clean off its hinges.

As the dust cleared, we all could see the room was empty, no evidence that anyone had been in there. Aizawa spotted a cloth on the ground and picked it up. He cringed away from it, and set it down. He stood up, and mumbled something about the cloth smelling of chemicals.

A day later we declared Kacchan missing. The class was not the same. We tried to go about normal business but we all missed the loud classmate.

~Flashback end (Finally)~

I sighed as I walked back to class. I really didn't want to go back to the classroom, but I know I have to. Kacchan wouldn't want me slacking off.

I made it back to the classroom, and explained to Aizawa that the Pros had found Kacchan, but they had to wait for a clear opening to extract him. I was still mad about that, but I put on a fake smile. Aizawa nodded and told me to sit down, so he could continue his lecture.

No doubt I was happy Kacchan was found, but I didn't want to wait. I wanted him back, back so I could see him. Back so I could discreetly look at him. All this year, whenever I have a free moment in my brain it would always go back to Kacchan. Whenever I wasn't paying attention in class I was looking at Kacchan. I was way more nervous around him too. The conversation we had on the bus was the most clear sentence I had gotten out to him in weeks. I sighed one more time, and stared at the empty seat in front of me for the remainder of class.


A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed, and I appreciate feedback!


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