Chapter 27 (Izuku)

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 We tried to get back to normal, well as normal as we could get. Kacchan is still quiet as ever, but his anxiety has skyrocketed. He can't go anywhere alone, I have to go with him. I'm ok with it though, it means I get to have more time with Kacchan, and I for one, don't see that as bad.

Bad things happen if I don't go with him. Last time I left him, he ended up having a panic attack that lasted for hours. That was the only time I left him too. I really think he should see a therapist, but the school won't hire or pay for one, and Mitsuki can't afford it. So I guess me accompanying him everywhere will have to do for now.

"Izuku?" Kacchan asked from his place on my chest.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Am I annoying? I mean I can't go anywhere without you, I know that's a burden, and I-" He rambled but I cut him off.

"I love you Kacchan, and you are not annoying. I love accompanying you. It means I spend more time with you, and that's not bad at all." I said, bringing him closer to me and kissing his head.

"I-ok..." Kacchan mumbled. Soon I heard Kacchan's breaths even out, signaling he was asleep. I decided to sleep too, so I closed my eyes, and slipped into darkness.

The morning was less than appreciated. The only good thing about it was Kacchan laying next to me. I saw his hair out of the corner of my eye and turned to him. His eyes were wide awake, and staring into space.

"Kacchan?" I asked, and he snapped out of his gaze.

"Yes Izuku?"

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, peachy!" Kacchan smiled a less than convincing smile, but I dropped the topic anyway.

"Well today's Saturday, so what do you wanna do?" I asked, as I threw my arm around his waist.

"I don't know. We could go out for lunch?" Kacchan suggested.

"Ok, we'll go out to lunch then. It's like 10 right now, so how about we get ready at 11:45 and leave around 11:50?" I asked, and Kacchan nodded in agreement.

"What do you wanna even eat?" I asked.

"Anything is fine. Just nothing too sweet." Kacchan said quietly.

"Ok, we can go for ramen?" I asked, and Kacchan nodded.

"Ok, well we don't have to get up for like an hour and 45 minutes. So let's cuddle till then." I said as I brought Kacchan closer to me. Kacchan snuggled into my chest, and I smiled in content.

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A/N: Is it 2 am right now? Yup. Will I go to sleep anytime soon? No. Did you enjoy this chapter? I don't know! Do I wanna know if you enjoyed or not? Yes, I would like some feedback, please! Am I listening to the Deadpool 2 soundtrack? Yes. Should I stop asking questions then answering them? Yes. Am I going to? Probably not! 

ok goodbye~

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