Chapter 15 (Katsuki)

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 I've been doing well so far. I mean I have flashbacks every so often, and they shake me for the rest of the day, but that's it. Actually that's not all, I haven't been sleeping well either. Whenever I fall asleep I have a nightmare about Bates, being back in that cage, or the things Higasa did to me.

Currently I have been awake since 3 am, yeah the Devil's hour. I had a nightmare about Bates, his creepy ass smile. I shook myself out of my head and looked at my clock, it's 7 am on a Saturday.

I sighed, and got out of bed. I changed out of my pajamas, and into workout clothes. They consisted of an orange racerback tank top, shorts, and tennis shoes/sneakers/whatever you call them. I grabbed my water bottle, and walked out of my dorm.

I stopped by the kitchen to fill up my water bottle. As I thought, no one was up at 7 am on a Saturday. I closed my filled water bottle, and headed out of the dorm building. UA has several private gyms on their campus so I headed to the one closest to me.

I slid open the door, and headed inside. I set my water bottle down, and walked to a treadmill. I started out walking then gradually picked up speed till I was running.

1.5 miles into my workout, I felt eyes on me, the same eyes I feel every time I walk to school. I quickly hopped off the treadmill, and looked around. There was no one to be seen, I was alone. I sighed, and hopped back onto the treadmill.

2 miles, I felt the eyes again. I ignored them, and continued running. They kept staring at me, I turned off the treadmill, and hopped off. I looked around the gym thoroughly, nothing, there was nobody.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid..." I mumbled to myself, as I walked to the weight section of the gym. I lifted weights for a few minutes, before I felt the eyes on me again.

"Alright, that's it." I mumbled, and set down the weights, "Show yourself! I know you're there. I can FEEL your eyes on me!" I yelled, clenching my fists, and tensing my wings.

"Alright, alright. You caught me!" They suddenly appeared in front of me.


A/N: Who is this mysterious person that keeps stalking Katsuki, huh? You'll have to find out, NEXT TIME ON my shitty Wattpad story....YEET

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