Chapter 8 (Izuku)

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There were a few strangling guards, but I just flicked air at them, and knocked them out. I was jogging down the hallway, when a man in a white scientist coat walked out of a room, with a clipboard.

I ran up to him, grabbed his collar, and slammed him back into the wall. He yelped in surprise, and dropped his clipboard.

"Where is Katsuki Bakugou?" I seethed.

"Like I would ever tell you." He gritted out, and grabbed my arms weakly. I slammed him into the wall again.

"WHERE IS HE?" I screamed.

"Ok, ok, put me down. I'll take you to him." He whined. I smirked, and set him down, I turned him towards the hallway, and put my hand on his shoulder while he led me down the bright hallway.

We walked for a while, and soon we got to a large door, he took his security card, and ran it across the reader. The bright green ACCESS GRANTED shown, and the doors slid open.

"He's in here." He timidly said, and pointed into the room. I pushed him inside, and shoved him to the ground. Resulting in him hitting his head on the ground, and getting knocked out.

Light suddenly lit up the room, and my eyes widened. The room was huge, and housed a huge aviary (Bird cage).

But it's what was INSIDE the cage that my eyes widened at. There was a light skinned boy in the middle of the cage, on the ground. He was hunched over, probably to protect himself. His head was between his knees, and his arms were over his head, so I couldn't see his face, nor his hair color. He also had wings, big beautiful wings, the color of pure snow. They were beautiful, but they were held close to his frail frame. I couldn't really tell, but it looked like he was trembling, his wings were shaking ever so slightly.

I slowly walked to the cage, and set my hand on one of the bars, "Hey." I softly said. His head jerked up at my voice, and I saw his face.


CLIFFHANGER! HAHA, suffer. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, and now I gotta YEET outta here.

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