Epilogue (Katsuki)

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 It's been 1 year since I was taken for a second time by Bates. They just recently put Bates behind bars. I've been good, well at least I think so. I mean, I do still get severe panic attacks, but they're only if I'm left alone for a long period of time. I can be left alone, but not for a long or consistent period of time.

Above all, Izuku has really been helping me, well as much as he can help. He isn't a professional so he really doesn't know what he's doing, but I appreciate him all the same.

There are-I think-a few things that Izuku doesn't know about. For example the night terrors. I kinda wanna say he's catching on, but he doesn't know what's really going on. He's commented once or twice about my clearly visible eyebags, but I just brush it off saying i'm still getting over the incident. He believes me, so I guess it's working, I think.

I can tell everyone is more self aware, especially around me. Either they don't want me to get kidnapped again or they just don't want to get tangled up in me being kidnapped.

Everyone either appreciates my new personality or wants it to go back to my old loud harsh one. My new one is more quiet, self reserved, and cautious. I speak quietly, think before I speak, think before I take an action, and think about others around me more than myself.

Though I do think Kirishima does miss my old personality. He comments on it often. He tries to make it not obvious, but it is. I can't go back, it's impossible for me. I've been broken, so I had to change.

I've been working on making my wings stronger. I modified my hero suit, it's more simple, and aerodynamic. My suit is skin tight, the gauntlets are gone, and I don't have anything hanging off my suit. If I have a separate item with me, I have pockets tight to the suit, that I can slip stuff into. I rarely use my explosions now, I think the doctors did something to them, because they are significantly weaker than they were before I got taken for the first time, by Bates.

Izuku and I are doing well, we are very much in love! Izuku has been acting weird lately though. I talked to the girls and they say that Izuku is going to propose, but I don't know if I believe them yet.

Well that's my life, and I don't think it can get any better. I love my Izuku, and am great friends with Class 1-A. So I guess this is goodbye! So goodbye, and I hope you have a good day/night/whatever time.

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A/N: Welp this is where I sign off on this book. I really do hope you enjoyed, and I appreciate any kind of feedback! I really want to thank you for all of your support. It keeps me motivated that you all enjoy my work. It's surprising that you even like it too, but I'm thankful none the less. See you all in my next whack ass story idea!

bye bye~

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