Chapter 14 (3rd POV)

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 It has been a few days since Katsuki has come back to UA. He's had several chances to use his wings, and he's taken everyone of them. He feels free when he's in the sky, he feels as though nothing can hurt him, he feels at peace... While Katsuki is content flying through the sky, mesmerizing a certain greenette. A more sinister plan is in the works.

~Author travel magic ~ Destination: Lab where Katsuki got his wings A.K.A. Test Center Of The Verification Of Somatology~

"I don't care! I want them ready NOW!" Dr. Bates screamed. (Finally gave the doctor that gave Katsuki his wings a name lol)

"We're on it sir!" The sergeant saluted, and scurried off. Leaving Dr. Bates to sneer, and plan.

"Katsuki, Katsuki, Katsuki~" Dr. Bates sang while picking up a photo of the ash blonde. In the photo, his eyes wide, fear filled and spilling over in small tears at the corner of his eyes, his lips slightly parted. He had thin pants on, with no shoes or shirt. His arms and wings were held close to his small frame, His arms were over his chest in some attempt to cover up, "KATSUKI~!" Dr. Bates sang, and spun in his office chair. He laughed, and ran his thumb over Katsuki's face in the photo.

"I see someone's eager to get his possession back." Dr. Higasa snickered from the entrance to Bates's office.

"You have no idea Higasa, no idea..." Bates sighed, and stood up. He stuck the photo in his lab coat pocket, and walked to Higasa, "You're probably just eager for him to get back and misbehave. So you can punish him again." Bates added on.

"I can neither confirm nor deny those accusations." Higasa chuckled.

"Well we'll have him back soon, I can tell you that much. I have a plan already in mind." Bates smiled creepily, and Higasa returned the same smile as they walked out of Bates's office.


A/N: Sorry for the kinda short chapter. I need to add the spice I've been waiting to put into my story. I hope you enjoyed, and I appreciate feedback.

 Bon voyage my lovely readers!!


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