Winter Break (3)

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"Fucking take those jerseys off. You're honoring a fucking rapist." Clay points at the jocks wearing the jerseys with Monty's number on it. 

"Fuck you, Jensen." Diego spits. "He took the fall for you, man."

Clay turns his head to Diego. "No way did he kill Bryce." Brett states. "Everyone knows that."

Clay looks at Brett and squints his eyes, Jealousy coursing through his veins. Gwen told Clay about Brett. He and Mia dated least tried to but it didn't work out. "Bullshit!" Clay shakes his head.

"You're the real criminal." Luke stands toe to toe with Clay. Anger sets into Clay's body. He clenches his fist and smashes his fist into Luke's face repeatedly. Brett takes this as a moment to get revenge on Clay for still having Mia's heart. He runs forward and tackles Clay into a table. They both fall to the ground, Brett grabs Clay's shirt and punches Clay in the face. An officer grabs Brett's arm. "Get the fuck off me!" Brett shouts, shoving the officer to the ground. He turns his attention back to Clay and continues to punch him in the face. More police enter the room and force Brett off Clay. 

Mia exhales sharply and inhales a shaky breath. She enters the office her eyes land on Clay and Ani. "Mia, what are you--"

"So it's true," Mia says. "Brett kicked your ass." Mia arches a brow. Clay inhales as he sees the anger on her face. 

A door opens Mia turns her head, she sees Brett walk out of the room. He stops as he sees the short-haired brunette standing there. "What the fuck?" She hisses.

Brett holds his hands up, "Em, liste--"

"Don't call me that," Mia growls. She walks over to him and grabs his hand and pulls him out of the office. Clay's eyes follow Mia as she leaves the room...with Brett. Ani notices Clay's expression while he stares at Mia as she talks to Brett.

"What the hell is going through your head right now?" Mia snaps at Brett.

The boy chuckles and Mia runs her tongue over her teeth. "I didn't think I became a comedian all of a sudden!" She raises her voice.

"Mia, Clay started the fight for no reason. He's a freak--"

"Don't call him that!" Mia cuts Brett off.

Brett scoffs, "Are you still like him?" He questions.

Mia shakes her head. No, I love him. "No. I'm just a very caring person." She crosses her arms.

Brett chuckles, "Sure." He huffs.

Mia lightly smacks Brett's chest with the back of her hand. "Fuck off!" She chuckles. Brett laughs, he takes this moment to take her hand in his. Mia inhales and looks at their hands together. "Mia, I'm sorry about me not being good enough for you." He plasters a fake sorrowful expression on his face, causing Mia to feel guilty. 

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now