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Who knew that being suspended for a week would be amazing? Sure Mia and Clay were grounded, but they still made it work

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Who knew that being suspended for a week would be amazing? Sure Mia and Clay were grounded, but they still made it work. I mean, secret rendevous and the picnic that was promised. That week was calm, it was...them.

Clay's eyes were closed as he sleeps in bed. It's so peaceful, he actually was able to sleep. He feels something poke his cheek and he pulls his brows together. He turns on his side, now he feels something lightly tugging at his ear. He opens one eye and is greeted with the sun shining in his eyes. He closes his eyes and quietly groans.

"Clay..." the girl whispers. "You have to get up."

Clay stays silent and the brunette rolls her eyes, a smile on her lips. "My mom's home." She kisses his neck. "You..." She kisses his cheek. "Have..." Then the corner of his lips. "To go." She kisses his lips.

Clay inhales and kisses her back. Mia smirks on his lips and separates from him. "Well, look who's awake now." She smiles softly.

"You know..." Clay sits up. "If you want me to leave, kissing me isn't going to help."

Mia's smile grows, "As I would love to stay in bed all day, again..." she leans forward. "We go back to school today, and we can't be late." She tilts her head. "You should also check on Justin."

A silence settles between the couple as they think about Justin. "He stopped using right?" Mia asks.

"That's what he told me." Clay states.

Mia bites her thumbnail. She slowly nods her head and inhales,"You. Go." She points to the window.

Clay looks at the window, he raises his brows and chuckles. He looks back at the brunette and sees her not smiling.

Clay's smile falls. She was serious. Mia hands him his shirt. "I'll see you later, Ocean Eyes."


Mia rocks back and forth in the chair. She blows air out of her lips and shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know what you're talking about." Mia chuckles.

Foundry sighs, "You and Gwen were one of the first students to see Justin and Diego fig--"

"No. Me and Gwen were one of the first students to see a police officer aim a gun at students." She presses her lips together.

"Listen, Miss Walker. I know you have been through a lot of pain these last 4 years, but that still does not give you a reason to--"

"To what?" Mia tilts her head. "Stand up for student rights?" She smirks. "This is bullshit...pardon my french."

"Do you know anything about the tape?" He asks.

Mia tilts her head, "Can you elaborate?" She shrugs.

"The tape that Bryce left for Jessica." Foundry clarifies.

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now