Graduation (2)

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Gwen looks at the brunette, "Shit, Me

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Gwen looks at the brunette, "Shit, Me..." she quietly whispers.

Mia looks down at her scarred hands. "Yeah, you should've seen the other guy." she says, her voice quiet.

Gwen bites the inside of her cheek. "I'm sorry." she whispers.

Mia doesn't say anything she just keeps her eyes on her hands.

"Come here..." Gwen wraps her arms around Mia's neck.

Mia blinks away her tears and hugs her friend back. "I'm not...I'm not ready to say goodbye..." the brunette quietly whispers.

"Nobody is ever ready to say just happens, and it fucking sucks." Gwen separates from Mia.

"Mia." Clay softly calls out.

Mia looks over at Clay and her stomach turns. She gives him a hesitant nod. "Hey..." Gwen gives Mia a soft squeeze from her hand. "You don't have to hold anything in, all right?"

Mia presses her lips together, she walks over to Clay and she bites the inside of her cheek. "You can go in now..." he says, hugging himself.

Mia nods her head, "Okay..."

Mia inhales a shaky breath and exhales a quick one. She slowly walks into the room. Tears immediately blur her vision as she sees Justin laying in the bed. "Hey..." he greets her. Mia walks over to him. "Oh, Justin..." she whispers. Mia falls to ther knees and holds his hand.

"How are you?" Justin asks, his voice shaky.

A small sob leaves her mouth. "How am I? Why...Why would you ask me that?" she questions softly.

"Because...I-I-I know...I know how hard this is gonna be for you after everything yoi've been through." He states.

Mia looks down at Justin's shaky hand. Her tears falling onto him. "How am I..." Mia bites her lower lip. "How am I supposed to do this again? Say goodbye to another brother?" Mia asks.

"I can't...I don't think I can do this without you..." she quietly cries.

"Hey...Em." Justin  says quietly. Mia looks at him. " are one of the strongest people I have ever met. And...And I know you will get through don't think so now, but you will." he nods his head. "You made it, Mia."

"And we don't have to say goodbye..." Justin says. "What's another word for...not a goodbye?" he chuckles.

Mia chuckles quietly, "See you later?" she suggests.

Justin gives Mia a smile. "I'll see you later, Mia." he whispers.

Tears roll down Mia's cheeks. "I'll see you later, Justin..." she whispers back. "I just...I want to thank you for being there for me. When I didn't think I was worth saving...with saved my life...and I never thanked you." she says through quiet sobs.

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now