College Interview

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The door slowly opens and the brunette opens her eyes

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The door slowly opens and the brunette opens her eyes. She knew those footsteps, it's like the quickness in them also had disappointment as well. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at her mom. "Hey, mom." Mia waves a hand, revealing the handcuffs.

Nora presses her lips together. Mia looks over at Officer Standall. He handcuffs the brunette. "Thanks." She says, rubbing her wrist.

He nods his head and looks at Nora. Mia stands up. "Ms. Walker, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asks.

Mia presses her lips together. "I'll wait by the car..." She says before quickly walking out of the station. She grabs her phone and starts to text Justin asking about Clay's whereabouts. Mia bites her thumbnail. "Let's go." Her mother voices.

She brushes past Mia and gets into the driver seat. Mia sighs, she gets in the passenger seat. "Mom--"

"Mia," Nora says, she looks over at her daughter. "You have been doing so well..." She shales her head. "But now, it's like you don't care about your future anymore." She sighs.

"I didn't do anything!" Mia snaps. "I was helping Clay--"

"Right, Clay Jensen." Nora scoffs. "Are you dating him again?" She asks.

Mia chuckles. "No--"

"Then why help him?" Nora asks.

Mia inhales, "Mom, that drill was bullshit, Clay had a breakdown!" Mia exclaims.

"You almost died for him, Mia!" Nora snaps.

Mia pulls her brows together. "Clay Jensen almost got you killed," Nora growls.

Mia shakes her head, "Clay wouldn't hurt me, mom." she states. "You don't know him."

Nora looks at the brunette and shakes her head. She starts the car, Mia looks down at her phone and swallows. She doesn't care about what her mom says, she's worried about Clay and she'll stay up for him. End of story.

"I understand that you love him,"  Nora says in a more calm tone.

Mia looks at her mom. " have to think about yourself first, sweetie," Nora says with a soft smile. "Clay Jensen is a good person, I know that and I shouldn't have talked about him like that, I'm sorry."

Mia rubs her lower lip. "It's fine, mom." She says quietly. The brunette looks out the window.

Mia thinks about herself, right? I mean she does think about what other people need. Maybe her mom was right.


Mia groans and lightly pulls her dress down. "I want to change." She groans.

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now