College Tour (2)

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"How beautiful is this place?" Justin asks with a smile on his face

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"How beautiful is this place?" Justin asks with a smile on his face. Mia pulls her brows together and smiles at Justin's genuine excitement. "I mean, I can't believe I've lived in Evergreen this entire time, and I've never been here." Justin finishes.

"You're really excited about this," Mia says.

Justin chuckles, "Well, yeah. I get to finally start my life, why wouldn't I be?" He questions.

Mia shrugs, a smile on her lips. "Nothing, I'm glad you're excited." Mia states.

"I hope you guys don't mind, I arranged a meeting with the Dean of Admissions after the tour." Mr. Jensen says to his sons.

"Thank you. That's awesome." Justin lightly laughs.

"Does that sound good?" He looks at Clay, who had other things on his mind. "Clay?"

Ani quickly taps him on his shoulder, he snaps back into reality. "Yeah, that sounds great." Clay gives his dad a small smile.

"Professor Jensen." Bolan walks over to them. "Hi thank you so much for hosting." Bolan and Mr. Jensen shake hands.

"My pleasure, Gary," Matt says.

Mia wrinkles her nose, "Gary?" She questions out loud, catching all of their attention. The brunette opens her mouth and closes it a few times. "Sorry..." Mia whispers.

"Walker!" A voice says. Mia tenses up, she sighs. A fake smile spreads on her lips. "Brett!" She turns to him and sees how close he is. "Whoa, kind of close there..." She says with a nervous chuckle.

Brett throws an arm over her shoulder and kisses the top of her head. Mia wrinkles her nose with discomfort, Clay notices. She looks at Clay, she didn't feel comfortable being lovey dovey in front of her ex. "Yeah, let's walk over here..." Mia tugs him to the side. Brett holds Mia's hand and she slightly tenses up.

"So, what were you and Jensen talking about?" He questions.

Mia rolls her eyes, "It wasn't just me and Clay talking, y'know?" She looks up at Brett.

He raises her brows. Mia rolls her eyes again. "College." she answers, without looking at him.

Brett looks down at the girl. "The graffiti today--"

"Can we actually, not talk about that?" Mia questions.

"Why not?" Brett chuckles.

Mia looks up at him, "You know why. I'm not comfortable talking about things that should stay in the past." She shrugs.

"Well, it's not in the past if Monty was framed--"


"What? I'm just saying, Clay, wouldn't get defensive and start punching people if he wasn't hiding some--"

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now