House Party

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Everyone was staring at her

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Everyone was staring at her. Everyone. They asked her how she was, she'd plaster a fake smile on and say, "I'm fine, just...getting through it." Her face was still healing, her eye wasn't swollen anymore but it still had a bruise around it. She couldn't sleep without seeing his face. He was in so much pain, she did that to him.

Her heart bangs through her ears as she hears a locker slam shut, almost like a gunshot. The gunshot that killed John...I killed John.

Mia touches her stomach, as she continues to breathe quickly. "Mia." A hand touches her shoulder, she flinches and yelps. "Hey,'s okay..." Gwen says.

Mia's eyes focus on Gwen's and she exhales. "Hi--Hey." Mia slowly recovers from her panic attack.

Gwen bites the inside of her cheek. "Let's get to class. Socratic seminar today...again." Gwen groans.

Mia gnaws in her lower lip, "Uh...seminar...about what?" she asks.

"That's right you weren't here. Maybe the teacher won't make you be apart of it" Gwen touches Mia's shoulder and the brunette lightly flinches.

"I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"No, it's fine. I just..." Mia pinches the bridge of her nose as she feels a pain form in her head. "I need...time I guess..." Mia shrugs. "We should..." Mia stops talking as she sees Alex walking down the hall.

"Mia?" Gwen questions.

"I'll...I'll see you later..." Mia walks past Gwen.

Gwen bites the inside of her cheek. She was worried about Mia, I mean...of course she was worried about her. Mia was recently attacked and she had to kill someone to protect herself, it didn't make it any easier though.

"Alex," Mia says.

Alex looks at the brunette and tenses up. He heard about what happened to her, but he wasn't prepared to actually see the cuts and bruises on her face. Her black eye that was healing, the stitches in her forehead, her cut lip. He looks down at his feet, not wanting to stare anymore. He slightly shakes his head and looks into her dim blue eyes. "Hi, Mia...what's up? I mean are you o--"

"Can we get coffee? I mean...or just go somewhere to talk?" Mia asks. "I mean...not right now, just...sometime? I just...I don't know...really want to talk to you." Mia rambles, she was stammering a lot but she was talking quickly.

Alex was taken aback, but he nods his head, "Uh--yeah. Totally. We can meet at Monet's after school. Is that all right?" Alex asks.

⁴𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 , 13rw ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now