chapter 3

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Hoseok's p.o.v:

"Taehyung, you're doing it wrong. You gonna stomp my feet. Taehyung, stop... ahhh..."

He fell on my top. We both fell on the ground. My legs hurt. I tried to push him.

"Taehyung, get away....ughh..."

Successfully, I pushed him. He's so big. I whined when I tried to get up. Oh god, he broke my leg.

"Hoseok, baby. Oh my god, show me your leg."

Yoongi ran to me and examined my leg. He's also in dance committee but he's in senior group. I whined when he pressed my knee.

"H...hyung, it hurts."

It hurts so much. I feel like I'm gonna cry soon. No, I won't loose my face. Everyone in the practice room looking at us.

"You. How dare you push my brother?"

He stood up and grabbed taehyung's collar. Oh god, he's making a scene again. I can't with Yoongi sometimes. I tried to stand up.

"H...hyung, I swear, I didn't mean to. I..I was just trying to follow the steps." Taehyung panicked.

"I've been watching you. You're always staring at my brother's ass."

I chocked. Why he's embarrassing me in front of others.

"Yoonie, stop it. He didn't pushed me. Look, I'm fine."

I stood up with the support of one leg. I smiled at him. I don't think I can stand longer. I'm gonna fell down. I closed my eyes. Soon, two hands caught my waist. My hyung. My saviour. I opened my eyes and smiled at my hyung. Wait, it's not my hyung.

"Seokie, are you alright?"

Taehyung asked me. I nod my head. Soon, I was pulled by Yoongi hyung. He glared at taehyung.

"I'm watching you. If you mess up again with my brother, I'll kill you."

He carried me to the cafeteria. He placed me on the chair and left. He came back with a milkshake. He placed it on the table and smiled at me.

"Hyung, you can go back. Master will search us."

He shakes his head, "my friends will inform him. First, drink this."

He moved the milkshake to me. I started to drink it. He bent down and took my knees again.

"H..hyung, what are you ahh..." he pressed my knees.

He looked at me, "come, let's go to the medical room."

I shake my head, "I'll take care. It's just a little...ahhh... hyung, stop pressing it."

He glared at me. I sighed, "fine, let's go."

I stopped when he tried to carry me. He'll forgot about everything when it comes to me. I'm so lucky to have him as my brother. But, I won't let him carry me. I walked to the nurse room with the support of Yoongi . She examined my knees. Please, don't make it a major injury.

"It's fine. It'll get normal in two days. Don't walk often."

I pout at her.

"Nurse, what about dancing?"

She glared at me, "well, you can if you wanna break your leg."

She wrapped a bandage. Yoongi dropped me in my class and left. I skipped to my place.

"Oh god, hobi, are you okay? What happened to your leg?"

My best friend, Adam, asked me worried. I smiled at him and told about everything. He started to laugh. Well, as expected from my friend.

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