chapter 20

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Yoongi's p.o.v:

"How much?"

"Sir, here's the bill."

The lady hands me the bill. I paid the amount and carried the sweets bag. It's been so long that I saw Hoseok. My little brother. I can't help but smile thinking about him. He has grown a lot. He looks like an adult but in my eyes he still looks like my little baby brother who never leave my hands.

I became a music producer and rapper too. My life has become so busy. I love my job since I earn a lot. But still, my mom didn't forgive me. It's not like I committed crime. But she's not angry at me like before. It's fine, I know it must be hard for her to accept me back. My baby told me that he's doing fashion business with his friend Jimin. I'm so proud of him. He became a business man. I can't even imagine how time runs.

About relationship, I don't have enough time for that. But, I think my brother is in relationship. I'm not sure since we didn't talked about these type of things. So today, I'm gonna take him with me to my home. We're gonna spend a lot of time. I missed him so much.

I'm gonna surprise him. So, I didn't told about my arrival. Hope he's in his home right now.

No one's p.o.v:

Hoseok stirred his chocolate milk and walked to the living room. Taehyung approached him.

"Seokie, I..."

Hoseok walks passed him without even looking at him. It's been like that since that day.

Taehyung felt so worse. He walked to Hoseok and grabbed his hands. Hoseok immediately glared at him.


Hoseok flinched. His lips started to tremble. He dropped the cup on the floor.

Taehyung sighed, "sorry for raising my voice. I didn't mean to. You're stubborn. It's been two days already Hoseok. In these two days, I've said sorry for million times."

Hoseok yanked his hands away and turned to leave. But, taehyung caught his hands again and slammed him on the door next to him.

"Tae..." he gasped and groaned in pain.

"Look seokie, I'm sorry. What I said was totally wrong. I'm genuinely sorry. I just...I just love you so much. You're not realising your worth. You deserved to be loved, not fucked."

Hoseok looked at him with his tear filled eyes. Taehyung wiped his tears and tried to hug him.

"Leave me..." Hoseok sniffles his nose.

Taehyung cupped his cheeks, "seokie, don't put yourself down. Just because he cheated and left you, doesn't mean your love life ends. I know you still want to move on. But, what you're doing right now is not the right solution."

Hoseok knows what taehyung saying was right. He felt like he fucked up a big time.

"Look at me, seokie. You're not the Hoseok I know." He chuckled.

"I know, I'm comparing with the old Hoseok but still, you're not like. You've changed a lot. You barely smile. It's not because you're grown up or matured or busy, it's because of that stupid asshole. Ditch him and live your life. You already suffered a lot. It's time to enjoy your life with your love one's. You're missing a lot. You won't realise until it goes."

Hoseok looked at Taehyung. He's right. Hoseok failed to realise people around him who loves him instead he only thought about Jungkook.

"I'm sorry for hurting you too, Tae. I'm trying to move on. But, I'm not ready to fall in love with someone again."

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