Chapter 6

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It was after three when we eventually left the library and we walked silently back to the dorms. I castigated myself for my obvious, translucent thoughts, I had imagined I'd kept my growing interest in Daniel well hidden, but it was apparent by his earlier comment he had seen right through me.

My mind lurched through the events of the weekend and my embarrassment grew as I dissected every moment we'd spent in each other's company, I was starting to get that nauseous, sinking feeling in my stomach and pictured him laughing with his friends, or even worse his girlfriend, at me throwing myself at him.

I breathed deeply trying to prevent myself from being sick right there on the pavement, I knew I had to hold it in until I was back in my own room, the embarrassment of vomiting in-front of him would be too much for me to bear. Noticing the green hue which surely coloured my face he broke the silence between us.

"What's wrong? You look like you're about to pass out? Are you going to be ok? Do you need to sit down?" the concern in his voice increased with each question.

"I'm fine, I've just got a bit of a headache" I lied.

"Oh, we're nearly back at the dorms you could probably do with a lie down, I'll leave you in peace, think I've outstayed my welcome anyway", his tone was a little curt.

Despite myself I smiled "You do know you live here don't you?" I teased, "So you can't outstay your welcome".

"You sure about that?" he continued "Did I say something wrong before? You've been quiet since I said about you visiting again; you know I was only having a laugh?"

"I think I do need a lie down and no, you haven't said anything wrong" trying my best to sound plausible.

At the top of the stairs I asked if it was ok for me to check in on James as he'd been in a real mess the night before. Daniel agreed as long as I promised to rest for a while afterwards. I knocked gingerly on James' door, half expecting him to be lying in bed swearing off alcohol for the rest of his life, but no he was sat up watching the TV and looking decidedly better than I knew I looked. My current appearance had not been missed by James.

"Dear God you look like shit, you'd better sit down before you fall down" he advised, "Daniel go and get her a glass of water, what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just have a bit of a headache that's all" I lied again. Daniel brought the water back and a couple of painkillers, James fused about me for a few minutes until Daniel reminded me of the promise I'd made to lie down after I'd checked James was ok. I said my goodbyes and James eyed my suspiciously.

If truth be known I think I'd given myself a headache, so my little lie turned out to be true, all my inner turmoil and the copious amounts of alcohol I'd consumed had been just too much for my poor brain to handle, so I was glad of the lie down and time out from everything. I slipped my shoes off and snuggled into the duvet, it was now a quarter to four and I knew an hour in bed would make me feel a whole lot better.

My sleep was disturbed by the fragrant aroma of fast food. It took me a minute or two to wake up but when I finally opened my eyes Daniel was putting a tray down on the desk, hearing me move he turned the lamp on.

"You feeling any better?" he asked,

"Yes thanks, loads, what time is it?"

"It's just gone nine, as you haven't eaten in hours I knew you'd be hungry so I got us some fish and chips and I made you a cup of tea", he held the cup out to me and waited for a reply. Sitting up and taking it from him,

"Thanks, I can't believe its nine o'clock", he handed me the plate and we watched TV whilst we chatted and ate dinner. At first I hadn't realised but the dorm was unusually quiet, "Where is everyone?" I asked.

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