Chapter 21

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I couldn't believe how quickly the week had flown by, in no time at all it was the following Saturday morning. I'd spent virtually all my time with Daniel; the only exception was when I'd gone into town with Katie and a couple of the girls whilst the boys had been at rugby training. When the others had joked about us being inseparable or the lads had mocked that Daniel was under the thumb, he took it in his stride and simply shrugged his shoulders, telling them he was making up for lost time.

We'd fell into a routine almost instinctively, each morning Daniel and I would meet in the boy's kitchen for a cup of tea, then I'd ask Daniel if he wanted to go for a swim or a run. Every morning Daniel would pretend to think about it and finally he would decide upon a swim, I noticed Daniel had suddenly developed a real love for the pool. Despite him trying to convince me of this new found passion for the water I voiced my suspicions, his motives were so transparent. Each morning I'd dive in and swim a couple of lengths whilst Daniel would gingerly get into the water, he'd watch me for a while and then he'd decide enough exercise and he'd want to spend the next half an hour with our barely clothed bodies pressed up against each other. Whilst I wasn't complaining it made me laugh to think he thought I was that gullible.

The rest of the day was spent kissing, watching TV, studying, kissing, eating oh and a bit more kissing. I was revelling in the newness of our relationship; I was still in the stage of being bowled over by how much I enjoyed kissing him, my skin still felt like there was a tiny electric charge every time he touched me. Every morning just before I saw him the butterflies still fluttered in my stomach. Yes I was very much in the infatuation stage and it felt fantastic.

Tonight was the night when James had arranged for Owen, the very lovely barman to come out with us for a drink. We had decided to go onto town and visit some of the local bars. As Katie didn't feel well she was staying in tonight so Chris had decided to go out with a couple of the rugby lads instead. As well as the four of us, Sarah and Mark were coming too, and it was arranged for us to meet up with Owen at half seven.

Our first stop was the Red Lion; I'd been there before on my first night out in Wrexham with the girls. The place was again heaving and the 'two for one' promotion was certainly drawing the crowds in. As I looked around I marvelled at how drunk everyone was, I thought back to my first visit and my initial prognosis on why students consumed so much alcohol, thinking of some of the characters I'd met I could completely understand why.

Owen was waiting for us just inside the door, he smiled vibrantly at us then motioned towards the congested bar, he agilely pushed his way forward and was immediately greeted by a very pretty, pleasantly plump girl, her face was framed by a mass of white blonde curls which fell to her waist, they just helped to make her full, chubby face look rounder. She quickly took our order and we found an empty corner at the far end of the bar. We quickly learnt the perk to having a local with you was they always got served instantly at the bar, so as we chatted the drinks slipped down easily and every time one of us needed to go the bar Owen would escort us.

Finally it was my turn; we again placed our order quickly and waited for the pretty blonde to get our drinks.

"So, it's really nice to meet you Alex, James talks about you all the time" Owen said smiling brightly at me. I could immediately see what James found attractive in him, not only was he very good looking but as I spoke to him he made me feel like I had his full attention, like he was listening intently to my every word, waiting to hear what pearls of wisdom I had to share with him.

"Yeah it's lovely to meet you too; I don't think I've ever seen James so happy." I replied enthusiastically.

"Yeah he's great, so I take it I have you to thank for him finally agreeing to go out with me" He enquired.

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