Holding Namjoon's Hand

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Requested by @Pf821


Swallowing hard, Namjoon tried to ignore the constant pain coming from his jaw. There was probably something wrong with his wisdom teeth, maybe for a while now, but there wasn't really anything he could do about it. He could go to the dentist and get it sorted out once and for all, but, ever since he was in elementary school, he was terrified of the dentist. Some kid in his class had told him that the dentist had tried to put a drill in his mouth and Namjoon was scarred for life after that. He knew his fear was irrational, but he couldn't just snap out of it. Dental appointments were nightmares for him. He only went twice a year. Never more.

Not to mention that one time when the dentist had to pull a tooth out. Namjoon shuddered even now thinking about it. It had hurt so much. The assistants hadn't put the numbing in properly and he had had to feel every inch of the pain. Many years might've passed since that day, but it still lived in Namjoon's mind. It wasn't that the pain itself was that excruciating, but the thought of actually being in pain was excruciating.

So, long story short, he was too scared of the dentist. The only way his parents made him go when he was younger was if Namjoon's mom promised to stand beside him and hold his hand, something that Geongmin teased him endlessly about. He had blackmailed her by saying that he would take all her video games away if she spoke a word about it to any of her friends.

But that was years ago, and Namjoon was in his mid-twenties now. He couldn't just ask somebody to hold his hand during a visit to the dentist, even it was a scary procedure like getting his wisdom teeth removed. The other members would make fun of him. He could ask his other friends... but that would be creepy as well. Like, imagine what it would be like if you get a call from one of your childhood friends saying, "Hey, can you come with me to the dentist? I'm scared." That would just be weird. He could ask his mom, but she would just probably laugh and say that it was time he got over his childhood fears.

So Namjoon did the next best thing on his list and that was just to tolerate the pain. He brushed and flossed his teeth as cleanly as he could, making sure to clean all the spots where an infection could set in. But it was too late. He knew deep inside that he needed to get the teeth removed.

But how he was going to muster up that courage, he didn't know.


"Life is so boring without watching a movie," Yoongi said. He flopped onto the couch and reached for the remote.

"Life is so boring without watching a movie with us, you mean." Jungkook sighed dramatically, putting his hand up to his forehead. "What would you do without us..."

"Why, I would be fine, thank you."

Hoseok laughed seeing Yoongi's face. "He's turning red!"

"I knew it! He's getting flustered!" Jungkook stretched out the last word as he patted the rapper on the arm. "Just admit it hyung, without us, you would be just a little bit-"

"Why did you take my spot on the couch?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. Jin came to stand in front of him, trying his best to throw him a mock-glare.

"It's my spot now."

"It's been... three weeks... yes, three weeks since we've last had a chance to sit down to watch a movie and you guys are already fighting?" Jimin marched in, yelling loudly.

Taehyung whistled, nodding while eyeing his phone. "I know right! Make them stop, they're hurting my ears."

"Why don't you cover your ears?" Jungkook asked.

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