32). Fake Breakups

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*A week Later*
*Stanley's POV*
Y/n still believes Beverly and I are together. She seems the slightest bit jealous. I hate making people feel that way but I want her... badly.

*Your POV
Stanley and Beverly are still together, I try not to seem jealous...I am. I wish I could be her instead.

This week is Belch and Victors funeral. Belches was yesterday. I didn't go, we were never close. Tomorrow is Victors. Of course I'm going, he was my best friend. I miss him a lot.

*Third person Omniscient*
Patrick called multiple times, wanting to get back together with the grieving girl.

"Y/n please....I'll do anything. I wanna see you, I wanna make you laugh again. I wanna kiss you..."

Of course she missed being in a relationship, but too much has been running through her mind to have feelings for anyone.

The promises Patrick made were tempting, tempting is the keyword. You can hear his words slurring. He sounds drowsy, the sniffles made
y/n's heart ache. She gets the calls at least once a week.

The next two days after Victor passing she stayed home. Not wanting to see anyone at that point. Stanley and her other friends sat in her room quietly talking as Eddie held onto her. Braiding her hair.

Surprisingly Eddie does well with hair. (If you don't have long hair then just pretend he's styles it)

He smiles at the girl, Richie makes small jokes. Not too overboard but good enough to make the girl giggle.

Stanley worries for her, not knowing how she feels. "I'm fine guys... i promise." Everyone nods and believes her. One person doesn't.

"Beverly, I feel bad. I think we should 'break up'." He whispers into the girls ear while watching the other girl giggle at something Richie said.

"Yeah... it was nice being with you stan. You're a good kisser." Stanley blushes at the compliment.

The two are out and talk, making sure the 'I think we should break up' part is loud enough for everyone to hear.

When they come back the six nod in sympathy as the two go sit down in separate spots.

"Are y-you okay S-Stanley?" "Yeah I'm fine. It was for the best." He glances up at y/n, she slightly smiles to her self as Eddie finishes her hair. "Thank you eds." "You're welcome." He lays his head on her back as she paints Richies nails.

"How come she can call you that and I can't?" "Because she's nicer to me, she doesn't make fun of my height." Richie admires his nails.

"Who said I don't." Eddie gasps and slaps her back gently. "How rude." The group giggles.

Richie secretly winks at Eddie, he blushes. "You g-guys should g-get together." Richie and Eddie glare at the stuttering boy. "No... we don't like each other like that." Eddie rolls his eyes, y/n leans back to lay against the smaller boy.

"Sure." Stanley playfully rolls his eyes. "Stanley, I swear." Richie chuckles to himself. He grips Eddie leg.

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