Nice to meet you (1)

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Carina POV

"Hello, can we join you?" RM was asking in his best English.

Carina looked at him and replied with a smile. "Why not! We are always happy to meet new people."

The three men took their seats beside the two friends. They were now sitting in a circle. J-Hope was next to Carina, then came RM, and between Aurora, who was on the other side of Carina, RM was Suga.

Carina looked at her friend, who she could tell was feeling shy with the men sitting next to the girls. She was hiding her face for the most by looking at the floor.

RM was the first one to speak up.

"Well, maybe we should introduce ourselves."

Carina felt that she had to interrupt him.

"Sorry, but there is no need to do that. We already know who you are!" Carina replied, looking at each of the three men with a smile.

She hoped that this would not scare them away as she continued in a hurry.

"I'm Carina, and this is my friend Aurora."

The men greeted them with 'Nice to meet' you and smiled at them both.

"Sorry, but are you Army, or how come you know us?" RM was again the one talking to her.

Carina waited for Aurora to reply, but seeing her sinking even more into her chair, she answered again.

"Yes and No. We are here to attend your concert tomorrow, but we are not only fans of your music. We like Kpop in general, but you are surely the most impressive ones out there."

Suga talked to the two other members in Korean. He seemed to be annoyed, not only by her but also by the answer his two friends gave him.

'What's going on? Why are they talking in Korean now?' Carina thought.

She stared at RM with a confused look. She did not get what they were saying as her Korean was horrible. But she hoped that they would get her uncertainty and enlighten them about what is happening.

"Is there a problem? Could you please enlighten us in English?" she asked as soon as the men seemed to have finished with their discussion.

"I told them that I knew for sure that you were fans," Suga exclaimed with a harsh tone.

"Oh," Carina countered with a surprised voice. "But if sitting with us and talking to us is something that bothers you, we completely understand your decision to leave. We would be a bit disappointed, but we will not hold it against you or be angry with you." Carina tried to clarify.

"Well, it is hard for us to know if we can trust you or if you will betray us by posting every little detail about tonight on social media," Suga commented.

"Never!" Aurora spoke up with a loud voice. It was the first word that she had spoken since the men had joined them at the table.

'Leave it to her to make a strong first impression!' Carina thought, looking at the determined expression on her friend's face.

The men were stunned by her and her interjection. And Carina almost started to laugh when she looked at them.

Suga, on the other hand, seemed to love Aurora's reaction, and Carina could tell that he wanted to tease her friend more.

"Ohhh, she speaks!" he exclaimed, smirking at Aurora.

Carina started to panic. She did not want her friend to get hurt by some words that this man said to her. She knew that Aurora loved all the members of BTS and would have a hard time dealing with the fact that one of them made fun of her.

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