I love you

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Carina POV

Jimin came to her room soon after she had heard Hoseok leave. As soon as he entered, he pulled her in a hug. She started to cry again, and he let her soak up his shirt until she had no tears left.

Jimin held her at arm's length and watched her features closely.

"You feel better now?"

Carina nodded and hugged him once more, whispering a "Thank You".

They both sat on the bed next to each other. Jimin turned slightly so that Carina could see the concern in his eyes.

"Do you want to tell me what happened between you and Hoseok?"

She recapitulated in detail the events from earlier that day.

"and then he kissed me!" She finished, not hiding the embarrassment that showed by her blushing.

"He kissed you!" Jimin was surprised that his friend would really go for it. He had already guessed that Hoseok was attracted to her, but he thought that his friend was more of a shy person when it came to interaction with women.

"But I got angry. He is in a relationship, and I'm still just separated from my "ex"-husband. So, I tried my best to push him out of the room as I did not want to deal with this. However did not want to leave so I told him that if he loved me, he would go." she was well aware that this move was not very kind from her side.

"Why would you say something like that? Is this kiss not something that you wanted to happen? He literally confessed his feelings to you, and you pushed him out?" Jimin was now pacing the room, too confused by Carina's action to stay still.

Carina took Hoseok's sweater that he had left earlier and hugged it tightly. She was glad that he did not want it back. This piece of clothing held so many memories of their encounter that she cherished so much.

She looked up at Jimin, who stood now in front of her with a puzzled look.

"I'm aware that he confessed, and I told him I love you too. But like this, it is not right. He has things on his plate, and me too."

Jimin was back at her side and put his arm around her.

"Sometimes I wish you were so not mature and just went for your happiness." He told her with the most sincere words.

She smiled at him while putting on the sweater. Just having it on her made her feel loved, and she really needed that feeling right at that moment.

"Yes, but you know I'm kind of too old to act like a teenager full of hormones." She counted while giving him a little smack.

Carina changed the subject of their discussion to lighten the mood, but Jimin would not let go of the topic and returned to it before he left her once more.

"So, what are you going to do with Hoseok? I hope you will not try to avoid him. That would only result in hurting him again. and you already know how that ended." Jimin dramatically rolled his eyes.

"No, no, no. Even if I could, I would never do that again. I will contact him later and try to talk to him about it. About us." It felt strange for her to refer to her and Hoseok as us, but she could not deny that she liked the sound of it.

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