Crystal Snow

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A few days later, Carina, Hoseok, and the two boys were on their way to meet the others in Berlin. All were excited to see the whole family back together finally.
The days in the German capital were full of laughter and love. Carina realized that this was all she had ever wished for. However, Hoseok was sad that he had to leave his girlfriend again as she had to return home because the boys had to attend school. Carina promised that she would soon get to Korea so that they could finally show the whole world their happiness. The group also left Aurora and Jungkook behind so they could finish packing her stuff for her change of address back to Seoul.

Carina had to admit that this time the separation from Hoseok was more challenging. They called each other even more than usual. She could feel that Hobi was feeling more down than the times before and which made her worry. One night after they hung up, she thought about what she really wanted and decided she could not always let her kids orchestrate her life. Hence the next day, she contacted her ex-husband and the boys staying with him to meet up with her to discuss her issues with the current situation she was living in.

After explaining to them, that she felt the urge to live her life to the fullest even if she loved her kids to death, she informed them that she had decided to move to Korea to be with the man she loved. She understood that it would change a lot for them all. Furthermore, she did not wish to force her kids to come with her. Her ex told her that he, too, was unwilling to let go of his visits right, and she reassured him that it had never been her intention to do so. Then her oldest spoke up.

"Mama, I know that you love J-Hope with all your heart. The same as you love us, and I understand that you want to be with the people you love." Carina could not hide how proud she was at that moment. She smiled at her boy and kissed him on the forehead.
"We kind of noticed that this decision would come, so my little brother and I have searched the web and found a school we could attend here and in Korea." Carina let out a gasp.
"What do you mean?" She asked him as his ex also looked at the boy in surprise.
"There is an international school where we could attend here for like three months, then three months in Korea, and so on." Carina was still stunned that her kids had already thought about this possibility.
"And you would be willing to do this?" Their dad asked them. The two brothers exchanged a glance but nodded quickly after.
Carina looked at her ex. "I know that it will be expensive." She confessed to him. "But I'm willing to pay the whole cost if I can see them that often."

Her ex was not as convinced about the idea as she was. The youngest went into his room to bring his laptop. He showed his father the concept of the school. Basically, a class composed of different aged kids will have school here for three months, then they will all go to foreign countries, where they will meet up with other kids for three months and so on. The oldest was enthusiastic about the concept of meeting so many new people and learning about different cultures. The youngest, shier one, was the one that made them worry more, but he told them that he was willing to do it. Also, he would not be alone as he would attend the same class as his brother for the first three years. Carina hugged both of her boys and felt so proud of them. Eventually, their father also agreed to the idea.

After her ex left, they had a small celebration.
"I need to call Hoseok to tell him," Carina yelled, but the boys stopped her.
"No! We want to tell him in person when we visit in a week," Mark told her, and the youngest added. "I want to see his surprised face."
Carina could only imagine how he would react to the news and decided she also wanted to see that face. Therefore she agreed to keep a secret. The following days', Carina and the boys prepared the paper for their transfer of school as well as started to pack their belongings to move to the country on the other side of the world.

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