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And then the fire started building up inside

Exploding blinding lights ]


"SO, THEY ALL got left something?" Kate asked incredulously, as she sat on her bed, rifling through piles of her clothes, and Emily, who was sat on the floor stuffing books into a backpack, nodded.

"Harry got the snitch he caught in his first game, Hermione a book, and Ron a Deluminator," she explained, and Violetta, who was sat next to Emily winding up bandages, frowned.

"What's delumator?" she asked.

"Deluminator," Emily corrected, before shrugging, "It puts out lights, Dumbledore invented it apparently,"

"Wow," Violetta breathed, before muttering, "That's pretty cool,"

"How many is that now?" Kate asked, eyeing Violetta putting another freshly rolled bandage in the backpack.

"Five," she said with a sigh, "I just hope Mrs. Weasley doesn't figure out why we really cut up her old sheets,"

"I told her it was an arts thing," Emily shrugged.

"Aren't there spells for this?" Violetta asked, and Emily's eyebrows flew up.

"Sure, Vi, except none of us have exactly followed a career in being healers," she said sarcastically, and Violetta sighed, before eyeing Kate.

"How's your leg?" she inquired, and Kate grimaced.

"All the bones have been fixed, Madam Delacour used to be a healer and helped Mrs. Weasley with the finishing spells, but it still hurts from time to time when I walk on it,"

"Yikes," Violetta said, and Emily punched her on the shoulder.

"Ouch! Em!" she exclaimed, and Emily snorted.

"I barely tapped you, you big baby," she said.

"You did too! How would you like it if I gave you a dead arm?" she retorted, and Emily scoffed.

"Dead arm, my ass, Vi, stop being such a drama queen,"

Kate rolled her eyes with a sigh, "I'm going on the run with a 17-year old baby and another that has violent tendencies. God help me,"

"Violent tendencies?" Emily said incredulously, her eyes widening, "I do not!"

"Debatable," Violetta muttered under her breath, and Emily grabbed a pillow and lobbed it at her.

"If you two are done being children, we should discuss when we're going to Hogsmeade to drop of our crap,"

"If we do it in the next day I'm 100% sure Mrs. Weasley would commit bloody murder for not helping her instead," Violetta said with a sigh, and Emily nodded with a hum.

"Right," she agreed, "A brutal triple murder by the bridegroom's mother might put a bit of a damper on the wedding,"

Kate snickered at that. "Has either of you seen the place in Hogsmeade?"

"I have," Emily said with a nod, "It's fine, tiny house with three small bedrooms, nothing grand. It's hidden behind an abandoned shop window,"

Kate almost looked disappointed, and Violetta snickered.

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