Chapter 20: Caring Little Sister

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It was a couple days before Christmas. Christmas was never a big thing in our house. We each got a present each, and had some ham. We didn't even shop for the gifts. Mother did it. 

Mark contacted Molly a week ago. He didn't want to waste any time. It was Christmas and he was in the giving spirit. Mark apparently was planning a stream to give a chance to creators with low numbers to show their talents. Mark spent a couple weeks looking into other streamers like Molly. He had a list of five people in total. They were going to be playing battlefield. Molly has been streaming her normal schedule, but in her spare time she was playing battlefield to prepare. It wasn't her typical game to play but I could tell she was enjoying her challenge. 

That's why I was shocked to find her scrolling through my phone today. I panicked. I don't know what she could've found. "Molly!" 

She was sitting on my bed. Her face was blank while staring at my phone. "I was trying to see what I could make you for Christmas. I wanted to do something special like draw a picture of an animal you work with." Her voice was shaky and quiet. She looked up at me. "You got a text from someone named Kris." A tear rolled down her cheek. "I thought he was a boyfriend or a good friend, so I started scrolling through the messages… Nalia…" 

I put my hand over my mouth. I had tears forming in my eyes now. I didn't want to know what Molly was thinking. How could I do this to her? I am supposed to  be a role model for my little sister. "I'm so sorry." 

Molly holds my phone up for me to see. I look away. I didn't want to see the messages. I didn't want to be reminded of his messages. I felt like a slab of meat again. "Nalia." Molly keeps the phone near me. "This is not your fault. Your mentor is abusing his position. Why haven't you told anyone at the zoo?"

I still don't look at her. "Because I liked it at first. Then his comments got more suggestive. We are both adults and I did tell him I was ok with it."

Molly lowers the phone. "You're allowed to change your mind. A good person would stop and respect your decision. Especially  since," she glances at the phone again. "It seems that you do have a boyfriend. That you haven't told anyone about." 

I bite my lip. I keep my head down and sit next to Molly. "We agreed to keep it just to university friends since I'm not even from the same country."

When I finally look up, hurt was written all over Molly. She was slouching, which she barely ever did. Her eyes were red and her face was pink. "You could have told me. I know we aren't super close but I thought we were in each other's lives." 

I sigh and wipe my face with the sleeve of my shirt. "The boyfriend, I'm afraid to mess up. If I think about the future I get anxious and sad, so I ignore it. I'm ashamed of my relationship with my mentor." I look up at the ceiling. "I thought he was this incredibly smart herpetologist and I really looked up to him. He is twice my age so when I thought I was attracted to him I was confused and pushed those feelings way down. Then he started flirting with me. I thought he was teasing so I didn't think anything of it. My friends saw this coming. I feel disgusted with myself when I think about it. I try to avoid him now. I barely answer his texts. I love the herp collection at the zoo, but I can't be around him. I'm still excited to work with penguins. I'll be away from him too."

Molly grabs my hand. "Be honest, has he sent you into an attack?"

Molly was scared the first time she saw me have a syncope episode that turned into a panic attack. She cried and called for our parents. 

I nod my head. I don't like letting someone have control over me, but I'm just an anxious person. 

"Nalia, you should tell someone." 

I shake my head. "I was a consenting adult. I'll just get by."

Molly shakes her head now. "Nalia, he's manipulating you. He's trying to make sure you don't say anything because he wants to stay in contact and keep his job. This is sexual harassment."

"It's my decision and I don't want to." I cross my arms. "My friends respect my decision. I hope you will too by keeping this to yourself."

Molly looks back down at my phone. She exits out of the conversation and deletes the messages. "There. Just keep deleting them. It will be like he never existed. Or better yet, block his number."

I don't even look at my phone. I didn't want to see where the messages used to be. We both just sat there. No words or conversation. Just silence. Molly watched a strong willed sister growing up. She watched me not take any crap from anyone. I can't imagine what she thinks of me now. My self- esteem is not what it used to be. My confidence is also pretty low.

Suddenly my phone vibrates. We both look at it. Seán's name appeared. He was calling me through a social media app. It said he wanted to do a video call. Molly almost grabbed the phone before me, but I was faster. I declined the video but still answered. "Hi Seán! I'm here with Molly."

"Ugh, Nalia. You pressed the wrong button. He definitely wanted a video call." Molly groaned.

"Woops." Is all I have to say.

"I just wanted to hear your voice." Seán speaking made my heart flutter. We have been texting but I was afraid of overseas charges. We found an app that would let us talk for free. I still worried though. 

Molly got closer. "Are you Irish? You don't sound British." 

Seán chuckled. "Yeah I was born and raised in Ireland. Moved to the UK a couple years ago." 

Molly took the phone from me. "How does the United States sound?"

"Molly!" I try and take my phone back but she quickly dodged and was walking around the room with my phone.

I heard Seán talk but I couldn't make out what he said. 

I just sit on my bed. Molly kept asking questions and Seán would answer. 

Molly finally gave me my phone back. "I have some practicing to do. The stream is tomorrow." She skips out of my room.

I roll my eyes. "Are you still there?"

Seán's voice stayed quiet so only I could hear. "Yeah I'm here."

"I'm sorry about Molly. She went through my phone a little and one thing she discovered was I had a boyfriend."

"That's alright. I made myself have a heavy Irish accent. I don't think she would suspect I'm one of her favorite streamers." He chuckles. "What else did she find on your phone?"


He stayed silent for a moment. Seán knows Kris is a sensitive subject for me. It makes me emotional and feel like crap. "Are you feeling ok?"

I close my eyes for a few seconds before answering. "Molly said I should tell HR about what he is doing. She says its sexual harrassment. I understand her view, which is also your view, but I just can't do it."

"Nalia." Seán pauses. "I wish I could comfort you. Molly is right, but if you aren't ready to come forward that's alright. You may never be ready. I would just worry about him doing this to someone else."

I sigh. "I know. I think about that too. I just can't do it now." 

"Well let's talk about something else." Seán sounds more upbeat now. "Are you going to watch Mark's stream tomorrow?"

"I kind of have to." I giggle. "Molly has been playing battlefield when she's not streaming."

Seán laughs with me. "I'm sure she will show off her skills. Mark put a lot of effort trying to find interesting gamers for this stream. I'll be watching."

"Molly is trying to figure out what to wear and how to do her makeup. "

"That's very different from you."

I roll my eyes. "She is definitely more girly than me. I could care less."

"You're beautiful regardless."

"Seán, I miss you."

"I miss you too Nalia."

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