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"(Name)! We saw you on the news! Are you okay?" Midoriya asked once you entered the dorms.

"I'm fine, just a couple of scratches and a cut," you answered softly. "I need to shower before Tsu patches me up."

Mina escorted you upstairs as Kaminari ran after you both. "Who hurt you? If it was Kirishima, I'll kill him," the blonde growled. You narrowed your eyes at the male, before putting your middle finger in the air.

"No, it wasn't Eijirou that hurt me, dipshit," you hissed. Mina covered her mouth to hide the snickers that escaped her lips while Kaminari blinked twice, trying to comprehend what you were saying.

You put your finger down before continuing. "It's because of Eijirou that I'm not injured more. Just because he was accused of being a villain doesn't mean he is one. Take a look at Shinsou. He's accused of being one, but yet here he is."

"Don't bring Shinsou into this," Kaminari hissed, standing up for his classmate. "Then don't bring Eijirou into this either," you huffed, pushing him away with your hand as you reached your dorm room, pulling Mina inside and slamming it.

"Damn, that was hot," Mina blurted once you were inside. "M-Mina!" You shouted, blush covering your cheeks. "I'm being honest here!"

"Do you think you can get the stains out of my clothes?" You said, taking off your cream colored top. "I'll have to ask Yaomomo. Maybe she'll make some stain remover or something," the pink skinned girl answered.

You pressed your lips in a thin line before removing your bottoms and grabbing a t-shirt, shorts, and one of Eijirou's hoodies.

"I keep forgetting how smoking hot you are," Mina blurted. "Mina! Seriously! Not the time!" You exclaimed, using Eijirou's hoodie to cover the blush on your face. You inhaled what was left of his faint scent before turning away to shower.

When you returned, Tsuyu was waiting in your room with a first aid kit, and Yaoyoruzu was making some more gauze. "Are you sure you'll be alright until tomorrow, (Name)?" Yaoyoruzu asked. You nodded with a soft smile.

"I'm gonna head to class early tomorrow and stop by Recovery Girl's office. Maybe she'll somewhat heal it for me," you answered, groaning as the warmth of your friend's hoodie left your body as you took it off.

You hissed as Tsu pressed the disinfectant liquid against your cut with a rag, but you bit your lip to keep it off your mind. She wrapped your neck up in a  bandage and gauze, before helping you carefully slip Eijirou's hoodie back on.

Mina glanced at her phone, before grabbing your arm and pulling you out the door. "Bakugou made dinner. Let's go before they snarf it all down," she explained when you opened your mouth to question why.


"Eijirou, we can't kill them if we don't know where they're going next," Eiichi grumbled. "Then look! You have eyes for a damn reason," Eijirou retorted.

The male was growing severely frustrated. He rubbed at his temples to calm the upcoming anger. A knock on the door interrupted what Eijirou was about to say next.

"Sir. I think we found something to help us track to where they could be," Daisuke's muffled voice sounded through the door. Without waiting for his father's orders, Kirishima bolted towards the door and let Daisuke in.

The red head stepped aside as Daisuke walked in, bowing his head to the one he worked for and Kirishima. "One of them dropped this map and a knife, presumably the one with (Name)'s blood on it," the man started.

Eiichi looked at the map and eyed the circle. "I think this is where they might meet next," he murmured, pointing at the circle. "That's an alleyway downtown. I used to patrol there when I interned with Fatgum when I attended U.A," Eijirou pointed out.

"Then we'll head there now. See what's up," Eiichi grinned. Kirishima's evil smirk didn't go unnoticed by his father. Maybe his son did have some of his genes.


"Breaking News!" Was the first thing you heard since the moment you turned on the TV. It's been a week since you've last talked to Eijirou. You tried to talk to him a few times, but he never answered. You've assumed he's been busy, working for his father and all. So of course you couldn't get upset with him. You were just a bit disappointed.

You snapped out of your daze when Mina and Kaminari sat on either side of you, the latter wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You quickly pushed it off and glared at him before turning your attention back to the TV.

"Three men found dead in an alleyway. These men were the ones who have held hostages and tried to rob a local shop." The TV screen shifted to show the faces. "All three had bullet holes going through their skulls and no fingerprints of murders were found. Police and detectives are currently debating whether it was a suicide or homicide. By the looks, they've been dead for a couple of days. The one with the mask had many cuts on his arms and throat, presumably from a knife, but that weapon cannot be found."

You blinked before curling up in a ball. "(Name)? What's the matter?" Todoroki asked. You jumped and squeaked at his sudden appearance behind you. You didn't even notice he came into the common room.

You let out a sigh before turning from Todoroki's dual-colored gaze back to the screen. "The one with the mask gave me the cut. The other two were probably his henchmen or something.." you murmured, thanking Yaomomo for bringing you and your classmates some hot tea.

You stared at the TV screen for a while before taking your mug and heading up to your room.


Just the thought of that man made Kirishima's blood boil. He followed close behind his father and Daisuke as he silently loaded his pistol and adjusted his gloves. Using the techniques he quickly learned, he quickly snuck up behind the leader.

He heard the breath hitch as the cold metal of the barrel of Kirishima's pistol touched the man's temple. "You hurt my (Name)..." he whispered. "I can't have you ruin their perfect skin again..." He then pulled the trigger.

Watching the man fall to the ground dead was kind of amusing to him. He situated the gun to make it look like a suicide as his father and Daisuke took care of the others. "Eijirou let's go," Eiichi called, before noticing his son take out a knife. "'M just leaving a couple marks, Dad," Eijirou grinned.

Eijirou pressed the knife into the tender flesh, the sweet sight of blood starting to trickle. After slashing the man's wrists and throat a few times, Kirishima lifted the mask off of the man's face. The man was a total stranger to him, but he could care less. Carefully, yet quickly, he carved a capital "R" into the man's cheek, before snapping the mask back on.

"Now we can go. 'M satisfied," the red head grinned, showing off his toothy smile. His father and Daisuke grinned in return before they took off for home.

No one hurts his (Name).

Inked Heart - Mafia!Kirishima x GN!ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ