𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔽𝕠𝕣

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Alora's POV

We had talked for another 10 minutes and the whole time I couldn't shake the feeling. I just wanted to know if she felt it too, but I didn't want to ruin or friendship.

"Avani." I began.

"Yes bebe." She smiled looking up at me.

"Can I do something and promise you won't be mad?" I hesitated.

"Of course bebe, I would never be mad at you." Avani grabbed my hand indicating that I could trust her words. I nodded and swallowed hard. I looked into her glazed dark brown eyes that twinkled ever so slightly before leaning in and softly connecting our lips. I felt a slight pressure push back against my lips. I pulled away and stared back at my best friend.

"Um," she chuckled awkwardly, "as much as I did enjoy that, it's been four months. I couldn't keep waiting for you not knowing if you were ever going to wake up or not." She stuttered. I stared back at the girl scared for what she would say next.

"Anthony and I got back together." Avani mumbled. It was at that moment when I could tell my heart had finally broken. It was at the moment when I had lost all hope in love.

"Right." I choked out.

"It's fine, I just wanted to get my thoughts straight." I forced a smile, pretending I was ok when really my thoughts were screaming at me and my heart was breaking.

"I'll always be here for you bebe. I promise this doesn't change anything." She promised. But she lied, it changes everything. I nodded and turned over so I was facing the window opposite of Avani.

"I'm actually really tired." I stated blankly.

"Right, um I'll let you get some rest then." She hesitated before getting up from the visitors chair and leaving the room. I stared down at my hands as my mind went blank. I couldn't tell if I wanted to be angry and throw everything, or if I wanted to cry out my heart, or maybe even just push out everyone and move on with my life. I sighed before pulling out my IV's and taking off my heart rate monitor. I struggled to push myself up as it had been 4 months since I made such movement. I gently threw my limp legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand up. After a few tries I was standing up holding onto the wall. My body felt like crumbling to the floor but I wouldn't let it. I slowly walked over to the bathroom gradually gaining more strength.

Eventually I reached the bathroom and placed my palms on the counter staring into my reflection. I laughed lightly deciding to be happy and not dwell on the fact that I just kissed my best friend. I tossed my hair a bit and smoothed it down with my hands making it look semi decent. I then splashed my face with water hopefully bringing some life back into my face. Once I figured I looked ok, I snuck out of my room. Eventually I found myself staring out of a large window that captured the luminous city.

"I usually come here when I'm sad." I heard a voice sigh. I looked over to my right to see a boy possibly about 13 or 14 years old with silky black hair parted in the center, pale skin, and dark brown slim eyes, wearing a hospital gown.

"Does it help?" I eventually ask.

"Sometimes, like right now it helps because someone else is here with me." He shrugged.

"Do you come here often?" I question continuing to stare out of the window.

"Yes. Do you come here often?" I shook my head in response.

"No, it's my first time." I sigh watching a plane take off into the crisp dark sky.

"Why? If you don't mind me asking." He continues.

"I just woke up from a 4 month coma. Why do you come here?" I watched as the plane rose higher into the air.

"To get away from the stress." He sighs. I turned to look at him meeting his eyes.

"Stress?" I question furrowing my brows.

"I have cancer. Stress just happens to tag along with it." He says in almost a whisper. I swallow hard almost feeling guilty. It made me realize how I had taken advantage of how great my life was just because of a few road bumps.

"I'm sorry." I averted my gaze as the guilt continued to flood into my thoughts.

"Do you really mean it?" He asked almost pleading.

"Of course I mean it. I wouldn't say something I didn't mean." I chuckled sadly.

"So why are you here, I mean besides the whole coma thing?" He quizzed leaning more into railing. I sighed heavily before starting.

"I tried to kill myself." I mumbled.

"Why?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned.

"At the time I didn't think my life was worth living for. Someone I loved like a brother made me feel like I wasn't worth living for." I reminisced. I looked at the ground wiping away the tear that had fell. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see that the boy had placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Everyone's life is worth living for." He states calmly. I nod and look around, my eyes landing on a clock showing it was 8am.

"Holy shit!" I whisper yelled earning a chuckle from the boy.

"I can't believe it's been 4 hours." I chuckled surprised.

"Well I guess you better be on your way back to your room." He shrugged.

"Um yeah. Here's my number call or text me sometime, I could really use a friend like you." I smiled writing down my number with a crayon on one of the notecards from a pile next to the crayons.

"Ouch I just got friend zoned." He chuckles dramatically placing his hand on his chest.

"Yes friend zoned cause I'm not looking for anyone and you're probably too young for me anyways." I chuckled handing him the notecard with my number.

"How young do you thing I am?" He questioned dramatically furrowing his brows.

"Like 13 maybe 14." I shrugged.

"The fuck? I'm 17, 18 next week." He laughed.

"Oh my god I'm so stupid." I laughed face palming myself.

"Damn I didn't know I looked like a middle schooler." He chuckled catching his breath. I shook my head smiling.

"Ok goodbye now so I don't embarrass myself even more." I chuckled starting to walk away.

"Wait what's your name?" He calked out.

"Alora, what's your's?" I asked leaning against the wall.

"Kai." He smiled.

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Kai." I giggled before walking off. Soon enough I was walking down the hallway that lead to my room. As I neared, voice became audible. I pushed the door open revealing a ton of familiar faces.

"Thank god you're ok." Chase sighed attempting to hug me but I backed away and walked around him. While doing so I made eye contact with Avani making me quickly look away.

"Where were you?" Jillian asks inspecting me.

"Chill I just went for a walk." I laughed sitting down on the hospital bed, "even made a new friend"

"Well you need to rest and we need to get you back on the IV." The nurse shrugged. I nodded and she sterlized the needle before re inserting into my arm, then pushing everyone out of my room. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about Kai and the offer my parents gave me.

Hi loves!!! So this is the second to last chapter before I end the book cause why not. Oooo also Kai is going to be a main character in the sequel. I'm deadass so excited. Also I am going back and editing this book once I finish it just to satisfy myself. Oh and don't worry Avani will be making a comeback in the sequel cause why not. Anyways I sound annoying so stay beautiful and stay sad loves-Ary❤️

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