Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I smirked, "You will listen to what we say. We are going to tie you both up, and put a cloth in your mouth. If you make any noise or move even the slightest, my friend over there will shoot you."

I pointed at Vanessa and she smirked, keeping the gun onto the man's head. They nodded in fear and we smiled.


I tried to text Jared that we were in, but he wasn't responding to any of the messages. We had successfully tied the men up to a pole outside but we were waiting on Jared's cue.

I started to get slightly nervous because we were running out of time.

Kayla shook her head, "We can't wait any longer, we have to go in,"

I nodded in agreement, "Kayla, we have no idea if Jared was able to switch the boxes."

"It doesn't matter, you hurry before they realize somethings wrong." Vanessa breathed, nudging us to go as she watched the men. We took their keys and opened the door.

"Are you sure?" I said, frantically.

"Yes, go!" She stated urgently.

I grabbed the extra gun from the men and we went inside. We heard some voices, but tried to be as discreet as possible.

"Yes, right there. We have the stuff." I recognized that it was my father's voice. It was only him and the other man. They each had a guard around them.

I quickly pointed to the room and Kayla also recognized what was happening. The drug deal was still going on, which means one thing. They have Jared. I started panicking as I realized that our plan was falling apart.

Kayla put her pointer finger to her mouth, gesturing for me to be as quiet as possible.

"Follow my lead." She whispered. I nodded.

She quickly bolted in the room, pointing two guns at each of the men. They immediately stopped, and both of their guards stood in front of them, protecting them. My father's face turned into a look of shock, but quickly moved to anger.

My father gritted his teeth, "Allison. What the hell are you doing here?"

I smirked at the guards and turned my body towards my father, "Aw, father. You really thought that you could fool me? I knew your plan all along. Once inch towards me, and we shoot."

"Who is this?" The man yelled. I assumed he was the seller. He looked extremely dangerous, as he was tall, broad shoulders. He seemed to be in his fifties.

"My daughter. I'm extremely sorry, Balego. I had no idea this would happen."

Balego shook his head in anger, "I am extremely disgusted by your lack of professionalism. My men and I are leaving. We are not following through with the deal."

My father's face quickly fell, "You don't understand, Dawson will be extremely angry. If we don't sell the drugs to you, our company will fall in shambles."

"Tell Dawson that I will no longer do business with y'all. I cannot get caught up with the cops, and the lack of secrecy is not appropriate."

My father's body shook in fear. Who was Dawson, and why was he so scared? Dawson was our last name, but it couldn't be any of us. My eyes widened.

Josh. This means that he was the leader of the drug company this whole time.

The guard quickly led Balego to the door, "Goodbye."

My Father, completely devastated, turned his attention to me, "You bitch. How dare you mess with your family's company?"

I winced at his vocabulary but shook my head, "How dare you kill innocent people? How could you pretend that your business is prestigious while you sell drugs illegally?"

Kayla angrily yelled, "Remember Courtney? Samantha? Why did you kill them?"

He laughed, "They knew too much."

Kayla stepped forward but I shook my head at her to stop what she's doing, "I want to speak with Dawson."

My father laughed again, "What makes you think that you'll get what you want?"

I smirked, "Because I ruined a big drug sale today. You have to notify him, huh?"

"Lower your guns first," He said, with an angry glare.

"You first." Kayla said, staring at the guard.

The guard lowered his gun, and we followed after him.

Another guard walked in, whispering at my father. My father smirked, "Dawson would like for you to follow us. You will get your answers."

The guard and my father walked, and we followed after him. We kept our guns wrapped tightly around us.

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