The One Before Him: (Bad)

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This Scenario was requested by kyojuro_san (Also known as Sweet Potato. Cute name)

Mumen is just to pure.


It had been so random, just one hot day you, Saitama, Genos, King and Mumen all got together in the local park and started having a 'water colour' water balloon fight. Each person wore a white shirt, the water balloons contained water and a few drops of concentrated food colour. The idea was to cool off and hopefully stain the shirts enough to get a cool design. Kind of like tie dye but without the worry of getting the chemicals in anyone's eyes or mouth. During the fight you quickly got behind a tree laughing and catching your breath only to hear a voice you wished to never hear again. "Well, well. Don't you look good in a soaked white shirt." Your ex. He was a creep, someone who slowly showed their true colours and they were ugly. You had left him just before moving to Japan. "Steve? What are-?" He grabbed you by the wrist still smirking. "It's been a while." Before you could speak Saitama came over "Fuck off baldy, [Name] and I were just catching up." Saitama gripped Steve's forearm dangerously "Leave my girlfriend alone." "Your fucking him?! Ahahaha!!!!" Without warning Saitama punched the tree sending it flying. Steve stopped laughing and terrified, looked back at Saitama. "Leave my girlfriend alone. I will not tell you again." Steve was quick to release his grip on your wrist, Saitama copied. "you're a freak!" He screamed as he ran away. You held onto him tightly "I love you and your bald head." Saitama wrapped his arms around you. "I love you too."


Every month or so you and Genos decided to go out to a more high-end place. Anything from restaurants, art galleries, even the opera once. Genos enjoyed learning new things and treating you to something that you might not think about. This month it was the Doctor Eggman robotic museum. It was not something that you would think about doing but now that you were here. It truly showed you how amazing Genos was. Over the year's robotics had changed so much. You loved him for the man that he was of course, but you had to admit that you were glad he did not look like a giant metal box on wheels. Genos got up close to one of the wax statues, one was meant to replicate him. You giggled taking a few pictures without him noticing. "If it isnt the useless waitress. I am surprised that your able to afford coming to a place like this. You never did have the money to afford even a decent place to live." You quickly backed away getting closer to Genos. "That's because you stole my credit and debit cards." He glared down at you. He looked the part of someone who had money but, you knew better. It was all just a show to get some nice girl to date him and pay for everything. Before he could move any closer Genos got between the two of you, placing his arm out ready to blast the man. "Who are you to her?" "Me? I am her boyfriend. We were just having a chat." Genos glared "For your information she is my girlfriend and I know who you are. You have just gotten out of jail on bail that your latest girlfriend paid for. Maybe get a job and leave the kind-hearted alone." As your ex was about to speak, Genos' blaster started charging. Your ex ran off quickly knowing he was no match for Genos. You took his free hand and started walking along "Thank you but, can we put this behind us and go back to the wonderful day that we were having?" Genos gave a quick nod. He would not forget your ex but, for now you were his only priority.


You liked living off of the land. It might have been the part demon fox, or it might have simply been that you were a nature lover, who truly knew? You sat by the river, fishing pole in the water. "Doing it the human way? You're a disgrace to all monster kind." You looked around finally landing on the coyote looking monster. "I showed you how long ago how to catch fish with your hands. Your just being lazy. You think that just because you can enter the human cities that you don't need to stay true to your monster side?" You watched him very carefully. Monsters were not known for big cute and cuddly. You had learnt that the hard way. "I just wanted to enjoy the scenery." You said softly. Your ex growled about to attack you when he was sliced in half. You screamed only to have your face placed against Sonic's chest. "I dont know who he was to you, but he was a monster. One way or another he would have ended up dead." He said carrying you back to your home. "I can't believe he flat out tried to attack you when you weren't even doing anything. Who would want to harm you? Just look at you. Your perfect." You snuggled into him more "He was my ex. Monsters aren't known to be cute and cuddly. He saw me as a traitor. Some monster that couldn't let the human life go." Sonic stopped and looked down at you. "Your ex was going to kill you? Because you were fishing with a fishing pole? I am not going to pretend that I understand his motives or that I even care. I'll always protect you." "Thank you."

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