AU: Villians

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In this world, monsters are not the biggest threat by any means. Monsters, those that are left or not in the undergrounds hiding are a welcomed quick death. In this world few heroes are still around fighting for humanity and losing. No one wants to be brave here. Fear is all anyone really knows. Those that have been permitted to work are only allowed to do so because that city's ruler allows it. Turf wars are common and bloody occurrences. What makes this all unreal is this was all a domino effect. Once a few of the so-called heroes started going against the association, other villains, vandals, criminals and those with darkness so deep inside their soul that no good could pierce it. Those, those were the ones that now ran each city. Those that took pleasure in the fights, those that saw death as weeding out the weak. They could have what they wanted and when they wanted it. Anyone that disobeyed did not live long enough to regret it. In this world you had to work, try and live what little of a life that was available to you and choose wisely where you lived. Peace was rare, the leaders had the habit of getting bored and trying to expand their turf or others who believed they could overthrow the current leaders would start fights. Some were over in minutes with little to no damage done and others could destroy entire sections of one city. The short periods where you were had no wars in your city were cherished and enjoyed to the fullest as life was too short in this world to allow it to go to waste. If just the lesser villains were out fighting each other most remaining heroes could protect the civilians long enough for them to escape. If one of the big 9 were out, the heroes almost always dead or close to it.

M-City was ruled over by the world's strongest man, this was by far the quietest and safest of all the cities. It was not calm however, The King could be silently lurking behind any corner, watching and waiting to strike. No one would dare cross him when his internal engine started to roar. Death was imminent.

S-City had the immortal Zombieman controlling it, known for walking around freely and personally checking his city with no reason to fear the outcome of his actions. Those foolish enough to face him would see the end of his axe or gun as their final sight.

A-City's big 9 ruler was Sweet Mask. A man focused on beauty and class. Amai had a much different approached to ruling in an unconventional way. He was his own city's mascot, an idol more then a warrior. But, behind the beauty was an internal ugly, evil soul. Anyone daring to allow "filth" in his city would feel the wrath of the merciless beast within.

C-City had Mumen Rider, a fast motorcycle riding, helmeted leader of a large gang of motorcyclists. This was one of the most run-down cities as his gang had the habit of driving far to fast and crashing. Anyone looking for a fight had to deal with not just a powerful leader but the large numbers he had backing him. Scary to think, he is the weakest of the big 9 given the amount of power and skill he had.

V-City had two sections to it as ordered by the inhumanly fast ninja chef Speed of Sound Sonic. He had set his land to both allow people into the monster filled woods where he himself was known to go into to train and become faster, more agile and to entertain himself. The other side of his land was a city where most people lived and worked. Anyone looking for a fight in this city was dead before they even knew Sonic was there.

L-City had a brother sister team in control of it. The Metal Bat and The Poison Flower as they were formally known. The older brother was the powerful one out of the two, wielding his Kanata and bat around when in battle. The destruction of his own city meant nothing to him. The sister was like the referee during the fights, speaking words of venom to anyone she felt deserved it. Knowing fully well that the small gang her brother had would not oppose her, less they wished to face Metal Bat face on.

G-City's ruler was rarely seen, often gone trying to gain more turf or simply fight for the sheer pleasure it gave him. Kidnapping, mass destruction, vandalism, anything he could do to start shit was seen as a good excuse to him. He did not care about his people or city. Making this city more likely to have wars then the rest. Garou, having been trained by one of the greatest fighters and when still alive was a hero. Silver Fang had no idea how mistaken he was when he took his monster in human skin on as his pupil.

Y-City was co-over watched by both the Demonic Cyborg and the man most people believed had forced the doctor to create the cyborg. Not much was known about the second man, but the cyborg who took main control had placed hidden scanners all over the city. The real reason was truly unknown, but it was assumed in order to keep a close eye on those that lived there so they could not try to overthrow him. Not that any would try. This city had plenty of high-tech robotic things in it. It made this city more likely to be looted as other cities would try and steal the technology to use it for themselves. Always resulting in wars between leaders.

Z-City's leader was the cockiest. It was strange that this man known as Saitama would be so full of his own power and strength, yet his own city was full of the poorest people. These were the ones that barely had enough to live, normally other criminals and the land itself was not anything too special. Full of rubble, old buildings and run-down shops barely keeping afloat. No one came after this city, but it did not make it any safer for those living there.

What nightmare awaits [Name]?

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