➥ Sick Days

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Warnings: mention of smut 
SUMMARY: Tom is basically a worrywart when you get sick. He basically freaks the heck out so, in return, you do the same but much much worse.


- Tom would be really worried about you, even if you have a subtle cough. He'd smother you with blankets, tea, water, and lots of sleep.

- He's not one for lots of affection and you'd think he would stay away from you even more so since you're sick, but no, Tommy would cuddle with you, constantly hug and kiss you. He'd be like a koala and never leave your side.

- Whenever you would try and do something on your own, he'd freak out and tell you to stay in bed.

- Tom wouldn't want to call a doctor because he doesn't trust anybody. So, he'd have Polly come over and use her Gypsy magic to figure out if what you have is serious. Even then, he'd think she's bullshitting if she says you've got a flu or something.

- You would protest and try sneaking outside but Tom would forbid it. This only made you want to go see the horses even more. So, you would bribe the maids into sneaking you out. Or you'd say Charles wanted out so you offered to take him out.

- Tommy would definitely put you on full quarantine. He'd be the only person allowed to see you, until you yelled at him and he finally let others in your room.

- You'd be really bored and when Tom noticed, he'd make sure to get you everything you wanted.

- As you got better you would realize that Tom liked taking care of you and that's why he didn't want a doctor, since they would give you medicine and it scared him. Not being able to mend your "wounds".

- But the other side of this coin would be when Tom's sick, he'd hate it for you to "waste" your time on him.

- You would insist and he would give in since he loves you so much.

- Tom thought you were motherly and a bit overbearing before, but you'd do what he would do but two times worse. Except you'd force him to see a doctor.

- The doctor would come and Tom would be completely difficult, so you'd scold him into complying. The doctor would be reasonably terrified and listen to Tom telling him to leave until you give him "the look" or what Charlie calls your "parent glare"

- You wouldn't let the maids cook for Tom, you'd make him homemade chicken noodle soup, eggs, and beans for breakfast, the entire menu.

- Tommy would notice how much you cared and get a bit embarrassed because of how much you would devote to healing him.

- Whenever both of you were ill, you two would take turns cooking for each other or you both would just stay in bed all day talking... fucking... cuddling.

- The bottom line is, you two act like worried mothers when the other is sick and it's like watching a soap opera when you insist on giving Tom a bath. He'd fight and fight before you'd pout or pretend to be sad so you can just rub his shoulders and wash his hair.

- He'd realize how nice it feels and then let you bathe him. Then, he'd insist on bathing you, which would end up with the both of you sitting in the tub of hot water, just together.

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