Chapter 20

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"Hey! It's 10 o'clock. We should get going. I need to get you home safe." Chandler narrated.

"Yeah." I felt sad because why is that so sudden?

I could add, sometimes at home, we would close our eyes for 5 minutes but then wake up and find out it's 1 hour. But at school, you sleep for 5 minutes and then wake up it's only 1 minute. (Yeah, we could totally relate at each other.) And that moment, it just seems like 5 minutes but it feels like forever. (Insert I wish by 1D)

"Yeah, you're right." As simple as that, I walked with him to the car and we drove for home. We're still talking about some things including the essay. (I though he forgot) We sing along during the trip until we reached Bercksville.

He opened the car door for me and accompanied me to our door. (Aww. Gentleman.) "Thank you for tonight, Aves. Get some good sleep." He smiled. I heard some footstep coming to the door. "Yeah, thank you so much Chan. Drive safely." (You're right! I'm just being modest.)

The door opened and I saw Dad with his pajamas on and TV still turned on. Maybe Dad's watching his favorite football team win the World Cup again. He would totally stay awake for that. Such a football fanatic.

"Hey! 10:45 and you're back." He turned to me. I know he knew I'm a good girl since birth.

"Thank you for getting Avery safe, Chandler. Drive safely." Dad smiled at Chandler and tapped his shoulder.

"Thank you, Doc. Good night. See you at school Aves!" He courteously bade his goodbye and parted.

"He's a good man. Now get some sleep Kits." Dad tapped my shoulder, turned off the TV and went to their room.

I took my phone and stared at our picture together. We're so cute.


I smiled and opened his message.

"Just got home safely and soundly. Thank you for the best night ever, Aves. See you at school."

I smiled and pushed myself under the pillow. Though honestly, my heart wanted to scream so loud, so clear that I am very happy when Chandler's around me.

"Thank you too Chan. Good night." those are the very words I typed and sent to him.

As I lied down my bed. I recall all the lines Chandler thrown at me.
"It'll be alright. Trust me." I smiled. "Come on. I'll stay beside you." Those words echoed in my little ears that even my stupid brain replays every single minute until I closed my eyes.

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