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Wholly New

What was going to unfold
was unprecedented.
I didn't know anything about it.
It was wholly new.


While you'll were in your way to the Vapora palace, you admired the beauty of its localities and other regions. It looked beautiful.

You could see small houses with carvings of some strange and new creatures that you couldn't recognize, all over the houses that were made of plastic and glass, as they could help them stay stable underwater. They were painted in variant colours-neon green, apple green, bright yellow, fire red or orange, dark purple etc but not the blue color so that they could be distinguished from one another underwater but one thing fascinated you for sure, that was the houses could camouflage. Some were appearing suddenly, some were already there in your vision but disappeared after few moments. It intrigued you even more, that you wanted to search for more, look for more.

"How far is the place from here?" Aiva asked.

"About 3 hours? Maybe. " Jungkook replied as you stroked your tail slowly with your fins waving in the waters, as you moved forward.

Out of sudden, you heard some strange sound as if the waters behind you waved a hard blow.

As you were the last one following the rest, you immediately looked behind and saw some sequins flowing in a trail. You decided to ignore it and so you looked before.

But after sometime, you heard that swoosh again. You immediately turned behind and saw nothing. Again.

You glanced at the houses and saw that some people outside their houses, observed you'll keenly, while their children peeked from behind the door.

Your lips automatically curled up and so did they, doing the same.


Hoseok's P.O.V.-

I saw, the houses were really amazing.

Was this really my place?

We were now in our way to the Vapora palace. I just couldn't wait to admire new, that would be wholly new.

When I looked down and took a glance at a house, there were five children playing with each other. There bodies were like that of a clownfish, two sharkfish and two firefish. The youngest one amongst them, was the clownfish, I presumed. They were playing with a ball, passing to each other, cute smiled painted on their small faces.

But one of the same faded away when the clownfish child failed to grab the ball tossed over to him.

"Hey you!" One of the sharkfish child exclaimed, looking at the youngest with fierceful eyes. He looked back at the eldest one in fear.

"I am sorry." The youngest one said as I overheard from the distance.

"You have to pay for this." And with that all the four of his elders ganged up and started troubling him as they pushed him or made currents to startle him and tossed him here and there.

I immediately swimed to them and shouted, "Hey dont do that!"

I looked at the youngest and went near him slowly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, out of concern that was.

"Yes. Thank you." He said and looked down as his skin was pale by the former shouts at him.

I looked at the others and all off them were shocked to see such new faces at some distance, including mine just in front of their faces, of course.

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